Choosing to go to college is an investment in yourself. Not only do you stand to make more income over your lifetime but you will expose yourself to opportunities and experiences you wouldn’t have encountered otherwise. So, how do you make sure what you’re doing now is setting yourself up to get where you want to go? The following resources are a good place to start.
Courses to take in high school
- Making the most of your high school schedule
- Satisfying College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADRs)
Khan Academy
NOTE: Although the UW no longer requires the SAT/ACT as part of the application process, you are still able to send your scores if you’d like.
Connect your PSAT/NMSQT scores to Khan Academy to create free personalized study plans and strengthen the subjects you have potential to improve.
Explore colleges
Sponsored by the CollegeBoard, explore and compare colleges to see what type of institution might be a good fit for you.
Strive Scan
Virtual presentations to learn more about the institutions you’re interested in, including group presentations and sessions on general college search topics as well.
Find other schools who have test optional or do not require testing policies.
Maximize your college search
Not sure where to begin your college search? Let us help. This panel will review free college planning tools, share guidance from counseling colleagues on the high school side along with UW admissions counselors.
Attend a college fair
Traditional in-person college fairs are slowly making their return this year. In the interim, check out these virtual options featuring hundreds of institutions with virtual booths and presentations.