Test your setup: Make sure your computer and camera work with the platform you’re using. Give yourself time — a day or hours before you plan to use it — to make sure everything works together as needed.
Find a quiet space. It can be a challenge, but try to find someplace where you won’t be interrupted or hear distracting outside noises.
Position your camera at about eye level, so the viewer isn’t looking up at your chin and nose or down at your forehead. If you’re using the camera of your laptop, setting it on a box or stack of books should do the trick. Ideally, you want your eyes in the top third of the screen, with the top of your head almost touching the edge of the frame.
Declutter the background so the viewer can focus on you and not be distracted by family photos, mementos or other items in corners or on shelves.
Arrange good lighting — in front of you, not behind you, so your face is illuminated. Face a window to get nice natural lighting, or put a desk lamp or table lamp behind your camera so the audience can see you clearly.
Make sure your audio is clear. You can use the microphone on your computer, but remember that every time you touch your computer, it will sound like a loud thud to the audience.
Dress for the occasion. Avoid stripes and patterns, which make it hard to focus on the speaker. We recommend Husky gear or a pop of purple if possible!
Start with a friendly introduction. For consistency, we recommend this format: “Hi! I’m Darcy Dubs, and I’m an assistant professor of school spirit at the UW. I’m excited to be sharing information about the Husky Experience with you today.”
Remember your audience. Smile, look at the camera (not the preview of yourself) and speak clearly and not too fast. Help your audience understand and enjoy your presentation.