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Seattle Colleges
Equivalency Guide

Seattle Central College

CEEB Code #4033

1701 Broadway
Seattle Washington 98122-2400

North Seattle College

CEEB Code #4554

9600 College Way N
Seattle Washington 98103-3599

South Seattle College

CEEB Code #4759

6000 16th Avenue SW
Seattle Washington 98106-1499

Please refer to the Equivalency Guide Manual for important information regarding abbreviations and definitions of terms.

Common Courses taught at the Washington state community colleges have an ampersand (“&”) symbol appended to the course prefix. To avoid confusion between courses, pay careful attention to the ampersand as some courses that look similar are actually different courses (e.g., ENGL& 101 and ENGL 101) and may have very different UW equivalencies.

Key to symbols:

* Foreign-language courses or programs. See Foreign Language Graduation Requirement for more information.
§ Courses or programs that are no longer offered by the Seattle Colleges.
(LC) Limited credit within specified disciplines. For details, click the (LC) link within individual equivalency entries.

College departments

| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | XY | Z |

B  back to top
C  back to top
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I  back to top
J  back to top
L  back to top
M  back to top
N  back to top
O  back to top
P  back to top
R  back to top
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T  back to top
V  back to top
W  back to top
Z  back to top

Course equivalency tables


Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
ACCT& 201, 202 (5, 5) formerly ACC 210, 220 ACCTG 215 (5), B A 2XX (5) if both courses taken; otherwise, B A 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
ACCT& 202 (5) see ACCT& 201 combined entry SUM Qtr. 2008
ACCT& 203 (5) formerly ACC 230 ACCTG 225 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ACC 210, 220 (5, 5) ACCTG 215 (5), B A 2XX (5) if both courses taken; otherwise, B A 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ACC 220 (5) see ACC 210 combined entry Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ACC 230 (5) ACCTG 225 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Allied health

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
AHE 190 (8-12) KINPE 1XX

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American ethnic studies (prefix formerly AES)

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
AME 150 (5) formerly AES 150 AES 150 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1994
§ AES 150 (5) AES 150 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1993 thru SPR Qtr. 1994
AME 151 (5) AES 151 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1994
AME 160 (5) UW 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2008
AME 200 (5) UW 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994
AME 201 (5) AFRAM 498 (3-5) [5 credits allowed] SSc AUT Qtr. 2004

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American sign language*

see also Interpreter training*

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ ASL 101 (5) formerly ITP 101 ASL 1XX WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ASL 102 (5) formerly ITP 102 ASL 1XX (102 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ASL 103 (5) formerly ITP 103 ASL 1XX (103 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ASL 120 (5) formerly ITP 120 UW 1XX SSc WIN Qtr. 1996
ASL& 121 (5) formerly ASL 101 ASL 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
ASL& 122 (5) formerly ASL 102 ASL 1XX (122 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) SUM Qtr. 2008
ASL& 123 (5) formerly ASL 103 ASL 1XX (123 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ASL 125 (5) formerly ITP 125 ANTH 1XX SSc WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2021
§ ASL 201 (5) formerly ITP 201 ASL 2XX A&H WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ASL 202 (5) formerly ITP 202 ASL 2XX A&H WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ASL 203 (5) formerly ITP 203 ASL 2XX A&H WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ASL 210 (5) formerly ITP 210 ASL 2XX A&H WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2006
§ ASL& 221 (5) formerly ASL 201 ASL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2023
§ ASL& 222 (5) formerly ASL 202 ASL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2023
§ ASL& 223 (5) formerly ASL 203 ASL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2023
SPS 201 (5) SPHSC 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2013

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§ Anatomy and physiology

see Biology

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ ANP 128 (5) [Central, North, and South campuses] formerly ZOO 128 BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1) [5 credits allowed] or BIOL 1XX if SCCD’s ANP 213, 214 also taken NSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ANP 213, 214 (5, 5) [Central, North, and South campuses] formerly ZOO 113,114 BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1), NURS 301 (4) if both courses taken; otherwise, see individual entries NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANP 213 (5) [Central, North, and South campuses] formerly ZOO 113; see also ANP 213 combined entry BIOL 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ANP 214 (5) [Central, North, and South campuses] formerly ZOO 114; see also ANP 213 combined entry BIOL 2XX NSc WIN Qtr. 2001 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ANP 298 (1-5) [Central, North, and South campuses] formerly ZOO 298 BIOL 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
ANTH& 100 (5) formerly ANT 100 ANTH 100 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 100 (5) ANTH 100 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 102 (5) same as SOC 102 UW 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 105 (5) ARCHY 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
ANTH& 106 (5) same as SOC 102 UW 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 107 (5) AIS 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 110 (5) ANTH 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH 113 (5) formerly ANT 113 ANTH 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 113 (5) ANTH 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH& 125 (5) formerly ANT 180 BIO A 1XX SSc, NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH 130 (3-5) formerly ANT 130 ANTH 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 130 (3-5) ANTH 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH 135 (3-5) formerly ANT 135 UW 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 135 (3-5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 154 (5) ART H 1XX A&H, SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 170 (5) ARCHY 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ANT 180 (5) BIO A 1XX SSc, NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 200 (5) ANTH 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH 201 (5) formerly ANT 200 ANTH 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 201 (5) BIO A 201 (5) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 202 (5) ANTH 202 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH& 204 (5) formerly ANT 205 ARCHY 205 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH& 205 (5) formerly ANT 201 BIO A 201 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 205 (5) ARCHY 205 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH& 206 (5) formerly ANT 202 ANTH 202 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH& 210 (5) formerly ANT 110 ANTH 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 210 (5) ANTH 315 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ANTH 211 (5) formerly ANT 210 ANTH 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
ANTH 212 (3) formerly ANT 216 UW 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH 213 (3) formerly ANT 215 ANTH 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 215 (3) ANTH 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ANTH& 216 (5) formerly ANT 107 AIS 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 216 (3) UW 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ANTH& 228 (5) formerly ANT 255 JSIS A 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 253 (5) GWSS 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ ANT 255 (5) JSIS A 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 270 (12) ARCHY 270 (12) or ARCHY 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ANT 271 (1-5) ARCHY 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ANT 272 (5) ARCHY 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
ANTH 275 (5) ANTH 215 SUM Qtr. 2010
ANTH 298 (1-5) formerly ANT 298 ANTH 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 298 (1-5) ANTH 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ANTH 299 (3-5) formerly ANT 299 ANTH 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ANT 299 (3-5) ANTH 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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see also § Integrated media communications and Science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
ART& 100 (5) formerly ART 100 ART 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ART 100 (5) ART 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ART 101 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ART 101 (4) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
ART 102 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ART 102 (4) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
ART 103 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ART 103 (4) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
ART 104 (3) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2016
§ ART 104 (3) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
ART 105 (5) same as § EDU 150 ART H 1XX A&H, SSc
§ ART 110 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
ART 111 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ART 111 (4) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
ART 112 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ART 112 (4) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
ART 113 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ART 113 (4) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
ART 114 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
ART 121 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ART 121 (4) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
ART 122 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ART 122 (4) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
ART 123 (5) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ART 123 (4) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
ART 125 (4) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2016
§ ART 125 (4) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ART 160 (3) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ ART 163 (3) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ ART 165 (3) ART 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ ART 168 (3) UW 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
ART 170 (1-5) ART H 1XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2006
§ ART 170 (3-5) ART H 232 (3), 1XX (1-2) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
ART 201 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
ART 202 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
ART 203 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
ART 204 (5) ART 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2014
ART 205 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
ART 206 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
ART 207 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
§ ART 209 (5) ART 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2014 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
ART 210 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1996
ART 211 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
ART 212 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
ART 213 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
ART 214 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1996
ART 215 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2000
§ ART 215 (3) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ ART 216 (5) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ART 216 (2) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ ART 217 (5) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
ART 221 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1996
§ ART 221 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
ART 222 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
ART 223 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H
§ ART 230 (4) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ ART 241 (4) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ART 242 (4) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ART 250 (4) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
ART 251 (5) ART H 201 (5) A&H
ART 252 (5) ART H 202 (5) A&H
ART 253 (5) ART H 203 (5) A&H
ART 254 (1-5) ART H 2XX A&H
ART 255 (5) same as ISP 255 ART H 204 (5) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ART 255 (5) ART 2XX A&H, SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
ART 256 (5) ART H 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2016
ART 257 (5) ART H 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2016
ART 258 (5) UW 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2019
§ ART 265 (5) UW 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ ART 267 (3) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ ART 267 (3) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ ART 268 (3) UW 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ ART 269 (3) UW 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ ART 271 (3) UW 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
ART 281 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1996
§ ART 281 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
ART 282 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1996
§ ART 282 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
ART 283 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1996
§ ART 283 (4-5) ART 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
ART 284 (5) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2008
ART 285 (4) ART 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
ART 290 (5) ART 2XX AUT Qtr. 1998
ART 291 (2) ART 2XX A&H
ART 298 (3) ART 2XX AUT Qtr. 1994
ART 299 (1-5) ART 2XX

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see also Science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
ASTR& 100 (5) formerly AST 100 ASTR 101 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ AST 100 (5) ASTR 101 (5) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ AST 101 (5) ASTR 150 (5) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ASTR& 110 (5) formerly AST 101 ASTR 150 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
ASTR 201 (5) formerly AST 201 ASTR 201 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ AST 201 (5) ASTR 201 (5) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ AST 298 (1-5) ASTR 2XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ AST 299 (1-5) ASTR 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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see also § Biology – survey of hearing impairment and Science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
BIOL& 100 (5) formerly BIO 100 BIOL 100 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 100 (5) BIOL 100 (5) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 101 (5) BIOL 161 (5) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
BIOL 102 (5) formerly BIO 102 BIOL 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 102 (5) BIOL 162 (5) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIOL 106 (5) formerly BIO 106 BIOL 1XX SSc, NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ BIO 106 (5) BIOL 1XX SSc, NSc WIN Qtr. 1997 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
BIOL 107 (5) formerly BIO 107 BIOL 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 107 (5) BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 107, 108 (5, 5) [Central campus] BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1), NURS 301 (4) if both courses taken; otherwise, BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ BIO 108 (5) see BIO 107 combined entry
§ BIO 110 (5) [North campus] BIOL 201 (5) or BIOL 1XX if SCCD’s BIO 201 also taken NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ BIO 110 (5) [North campus] see also BIO 110 entry above BIOL 201 (5) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ BIO 111 (5) [South campus] BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2001 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ BIO 111 (5) [South campus] BIOL 202 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2001
§ BIO 111 (5) [North campus] BIOL 202 (5) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ BIO 112 (5) [South campus] BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2001 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ BIO 112 (5) [South campus] BIOL 203 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2001
§ BIO 112 (5) [North campus] BIOL 203 (5) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
BIOL 120 (5) formerly BIO 120 BIOL 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 120 (5) BIOL 1XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
BIOL 125 (5) formerly BIO 125 BIOL 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 125 (5) BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
BIOL 128 (5) formerly ANP 128 BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1) [5 credits allowed] or BIOL 1XX if BIOL& 241, 242 also taken NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
BIOL 130 (5) formerly BIO 130 BIOL 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 130, 131, 132 (4, 4, 4) [South campus] BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1), NURS 301 (4), BIOL 1XX (2) if all three courses taken; otherwise, BIOL 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ BIO 130 (5) BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 131 (4) see BIO 130 combined entry
§ BIO 132 (4) see BIO 130 combined entry
§ BIO 135 (5) BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 140, 142 (5, 5) [Central campus] same as BIO 107, 108 BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1), NURS 301 (4) if both courses taken otherwise, see individual entries NSc See individual entries
§ BIO 140 (5) [Central campus] same as BIO 107; see also BIO 140 combined entry for Central campus BIOL 1XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 1994
§ BIO 142 (5) [Central campus] same as BIO 108; see also BIO 140 combined entry for Central campus BIOL 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ BIO 140, 142 (5, 5) [North campus] same as ZOO 113, 114 BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1), NURS 301 (4) if both courses taken; otherwise, see individual entries NSc See individual entries
§ BIO 140 (5) [North campus] same as ZOO 113; see also BIO 140 combined entry for North campus BIOL 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ BIO 142 (5) [North campus] same as ZOO 114; see also BIO 140 combined entry for North campus BIOL 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ BIO 145 (4) MICROM 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ BIO 149 (3) NUTR 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ BIO 150 (5) NUTR 200 (4), 1XX (1) NSc AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ BIO 155 (5) NUTR 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
BIOL& 160 (5) formerly BIO 101 BIOL 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 160 (5) same as NTR 160 NUTR 1XX AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
BIOL 161 (5) formerly BIO 161 GENOME 351 (4), 1XX (1) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 161 (5) GENOME 351 (4), 1XX (1) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIOL 166 (5) formerly BIO 160, same as NTR 160 NUTR 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2011
BIOL 195 (1) formerly BIO 195 BIOL 1XX AUT Qtr. 2016
§ BIOL 195 (1) formerly BIO 195 BIOL 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ BIO 195 (1) BIOL 1XX AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
BIOL 196 (1) formerly BIO 196 BIOL 1XX AUT Qtr. 2016
§ BIOL 196 (1) formerly BIO 196 BIOL 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ BIO 196 (1) BIOL 1XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
BIOL 198 (1-5) formerly BIO 198 BIOL 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 198 (1-5) BIOL 1XX AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 201, 202, 203 (5, 5, 5) [Central, North, and South campuses] BIOL 180, 200, 220 (5, 5, 5) if all three courses taken; otherwise, see individual entries NSc AUT Qtr. 2001 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 201 (5) [Central, North, and South campuses] see also BIO 201 combined entry BIOL 200 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 2001 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 201 (5) [Central and South campuses] BIOL 201 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr 2001
§ BIO 201 (5) [North campus] BIOL 201 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 2001
§ BIO 202 (5) [Central and South campuses] formerly BIO 212; see now BIOL& 212 BIOL 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 202 (5) [North campus] see now BIOL& 212 BIOL 2XX NSc WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 203 (5) [Central and South campuses] formerly BIO 211; see now BIOL& 213 BIOL 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 203 (5) [North campus] see now BIOL& 213 BIOL 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 210 (5) [North and South campuses] BIOL 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ BIO 210 (5) [Central and South campuses] BIOL 2XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
BIOL& 211, 212, 213 (5, 5, 5) formerly BIO 201, 202, 203 BIOL 180, 200, 220 (5, 5, 5) if all three courses taken; otherwise, BIOL 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 211 (5) [South campus]) BIOL 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ BIO 211 (5) [Central and South campuses] BIOL 2XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ BIO 212 (5) [Central and South campuses] BIOL 2XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ BIO 240 (5) BIOL 2XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
BIOL& 241, 242 (5, 5) formerly ANP 213, 214 BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1), NURS 301 (4) if both courses taken; otherwise, BIOL 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
BIOL& 260 (5) formerly BIO 280 MICROM 301, 302 (3, 2) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 280, 281 (5, 5) MICROM 301, 302 (3, 2), for either course, 2XX (5) if both taken NSc SPR Qtr. 1997 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 281 (5) see BIO 280 combined entry
§ BIOL 282 (2) formerly BIO 282 MICROM 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ BIO 282 (2) MICROM 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIOL 285, 286, 287 (6, 6, 6) formerly BIO 285, 286, 287 MICROM 431 (3), 2XX (15) if all three courses taken; otherwise, MICROM 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ BIO 285, 286, 287 (6, 6, 6) MICROM 431 (3), 2XX (15) if all three courses taken; otherwise, MICROM 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 286 (6) see BIO 285 combined entry
§ BIO 287 (6) see BIO 285 combined entry
BIOL 290 (5) formerly BIO 290 GENOME 371 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 290 (5) GENOME 371 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 290 (5) GENOME 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
§ BIO 291 (2) BIOL 2XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
BIOL 295 (5) formerly BIO 295 MICROM 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 295 (5) MICROM 2XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
BIOL 297 (1-5) formerly ANP 298 BIOL 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
BIOL 298 (1-5) formerly BIO 298 BIOL 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 298 (1-5) BIOL 2XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
BIOL 299 (1-5) formerly BIO 299 BIOL 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BIO 299 (1-5) BIOL 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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§ Biology – survey of hearing impairment

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ SPS 201 (5) SPHSC 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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see also Science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
BOT 110 (5) BIOL 1XX (cannot be used toward Biology degree) NSc
BOT 112 (5) [North and Central campuses] BIOL 1XX (cannot be used toward Biology degree) NSc AUT Qtr. 2004
BOT 112 (5) [South campus] BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2004
§ BOT 112 (5) BIOL 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
BOT 113 (5) BIOL 1XX (cannot be used toward Biology degree) NSc
§ BOT 271 (3) ESRM 2XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ BOT 298 (1-5) BIOL 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
BOT 299 (1-5) BIOL 2XX AUT Qtr. 1994

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
BUS& 101 (5) formerly BUS 101 UW 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BUS 101 (5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ BUS 110 No credit Prior to AUT Qtr. 2012
BUS 115 No credit AUT Qtr. 1998
BUS 116 No credit
§ BUS 198 No credit AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
BUS 200 (5) formerly POLS& 200 MGMT 200 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2010
§ BUS 200 (5) same as POLS& 200 MGMT 200 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2010
BUS& 201 (5) MGMT 200 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2012
§ BUS& 201 (5) formerly BUS 250 B A 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2012
BUS 210 (5) QMETH 201 (4), B A 2XX (1) NSc [RSN]
§ BUS 226 (5) B A 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ BUS 250 (5) B A 2XX WIN Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ BUS 250 (5) MGMT 200 (5) or B A 2XX if SCCD’s BUS 200 also taken SSc Prior to WIN Qtr. 1992

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ CHE 090 (5) CHEM 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ CHE 091 (1) CHEM 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ CHE 092 (1) CHEM 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ CHE 093 (1) CHEM 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ CHE 094 (1) CHEM 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ CHE 095 (1) CHEM 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ CHE 100, 101, 110, 120, 139, 190 (5 each) CHEM 120 (5) for any course, 1XX (5-25) NSc [RSN] See individual entries
§ CHE 100 (5) formerly CHE 120; see CHE 100 combined entry SPR Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 100 (5) CHEM 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ CHE 101 (5) see CHE 100 combined entry Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 102 (5) CHEM 220 (5) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 103 (5) CHEM 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHEM& 105, 121 (5, 5) formerly CHE 100, 101 CHEM 120 (5) for either course, 1XX (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
CHEM& 110 (5) formerly CHEM& 105; see also CHEM& 110, 121 combined entry CHEM 120 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2010
CHEM& 110, 121 (5, 5) formerly CHEM& 105, CHE 101 CHEM 120 (5) for either course, 1XX (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2010
§ CHE 110 (5) see CHE 100 combined entry Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ CHE 111 (5) UW 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 112 (5) UW 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 113 (5) UW 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ CHE 114 (5) UW 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ CHE 120 (5) see CHE 100 combined entry SPR Qtr. 1994 thru WIN Qtr. 1998
CHEM& 121 (5) formerly CHE 101; see also CHEM& 110, 121 combined entry CHEM 120 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
CHEM& 122 (5) formerly CHE 102 CHEM 220 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
CHEM& 123 (5) formerly CHE 103 CHEM 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 130A (1) formerly CHE 190A CHEM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CHE 130B (1) formerly CHE 190B CHEM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CHE 130C (1) formerly CHE 190C CHEM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CHE 130D (1) formerly CHE 190D CHEM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CHE 130E (1) formerly CHE 190E CHEM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
CHEM& 131 (5) CHEM 221 NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
CHEM& 139 (5) CHEM 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 139 (5) formerly CHE 190 Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 140 (6) CHEM 142 (5), 1XX (1) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 150, 160 (6, 6) CHEM 152, 162 (5, 6), 1XX (1) if both courses taken; otherwise 1XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CHEM& 161 (6) formerly CHE 140 CHEM 142 (5), 1XX (1) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
CHEM& 162, 163 (6, 6) formerly CHE 150, 160 CHEM 152, 162 (5, 5), 1XX (2) if both courses taken; otherwise CHEM 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 190 (5) see CHE 100 combined entry AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ CHE 190A (1) formerly CHE 091 CHEM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ CHE 190B (1) formerly CHE 092 CHEM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ CHE 190C (1) formerly CHE 093 CHEM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ CHE 190D (1) formerly CHE 094 CHEM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ CHE 190E (1) formerly CHE 095 CHEM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
CHEM 191, 192 (9, 9) formerly CHE 191, 192 CHEM 142, 152, 162 (5, 5, 6), 1XX (2) if both courses taken; otherwise, as below NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 191, 192 (9, 9) CHEM 142, 152, 162 (5, 5, 6), 1XX (2) if both courses taken; otherwise, as below NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CHEM 191 (9) formerly CHE 191; see also CHEM 191 combined entry CHEM 142 (5), 1XX (4) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 191 (9); see also CHE 191 combined entry CHEM 142 (5), 1XX (4) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CHEM 192 (9) formerly CHE 192; see also CHEM 191 combined entry CHEM 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 192 (9) see also CHE 191 combined entry CHEM 1XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 195 (8) UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ CHE 197 (2-5) UW 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2002
§ CHE 203 (5) CHEM 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
§ CHE 205 (5) CHEM 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
CHEM 211 (5) formerly CHE 211 CHEM 2XX AUT Qtr. 2016
CHEM 211 (5) formerly CHE 211 CHEM 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ CHE 211 (5) CHEM 2XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 221 (5) CHEM 321 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 223 (4) CHEM 223 (4) NSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 224 (4) CHEM 224 (4) NSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 231 (4) CHEM 237 (4) NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 235 (4) CHEM 238 (4) NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 236 (4) CHEM 239 (4) NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 238 (3) CHEM 241 (3) NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 239 (3) CHEM 242 (3) NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
CHEM& 241 (4) formerly CHE 231 CHEM 237 (4) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 241 (2) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
CHEM& 242 (4) formerly CHE 235 CHEM 238 (4) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
CHEM& 243 (4) formerly CHE 236 CHEM 239 (4) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 250 (2) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
CHEM& 251 (4) formerly CHE 238 CHEM 241 (3), 2XX (1) NSc SUM Qtr. 2010
§ CHEM& 251 (3) formerly CHE 238 CHEM 241 (3) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
CHEM& 252 (4) formerly CHE 239 CHEM 242 (3), 2XX (1) NSc SUM Qtr. 2010
§ CHEM& 252 (3) formerly CHE 239 CHEM 242 (3) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ CHE 254 (2) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
CHEM 255 (3) formerly CHE 255 BIOC 405 (3) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 255 (3) BIOC 405 (3) NSc AUT Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
CHEM 256 (3) BIOC 406 (3) NSc WIN Qtr. 2010
CHEM& 261, 262 (6, 6) CHEM 237, 238, 241 (4, 4, 3), 2XX (1) if both courses taken; otherwise as below NSc AUT Qtr. 2014
CHEM& 261 (6) CHEM 237 (4), 2XX (2) NSc AUT Qtr. 2014
CHEM& 262 (6) CHEM 238 (4), 2XX (2) NSc AUT Qtr. 2014
CHEM& 263 (6) CHEM 239, 242 (3, 3) NSc AUT Qtr. 2014
§ CHE 281, 282 (5,5) CHEM 237, 238, 241 (4, 4, 3) [10 credits allowed] if both courses taken; otherwise, as below NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ CHE 281 (5) see also CHE 281 combined entry CHEM 237 (4), 2XX (1) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ CHE 282 (5) see also CHE 281 combined entry CHEM 238 (4), 2XX (1) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ CHE 283 (5) CHEM 239 (4), 2XX (1) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ CHE 284 (3) CHEM 237 (4) [3 credits allowed] NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ CHE 285 (3) CHEM 238 (4) [3 credits allowed] NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ CHE 286 (3) CHEM 239 (3) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
CHEM 298 (1-5) formerly CHE 298 CHEM 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 298 (1-5) CHEM 2XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CHEM 299 (1-5) formerly CHE 299 CHEM 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHE 299 (1-5) CHEM 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Child and family studies (see Early childhood education and Education)


Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
Note: Students wanting further Chinese language study at the UW should contact UW Asian Languages and Literature for placement.
§ CHI 101 (5) formerly CHI 111 CHIN 1XX (Further study) AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHI 102 (5) formerly CHI 112 CHIN 1XX (102 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) (Further study) AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHI 103 (5) formerly CHI 113 CHIN 1XX (103 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) (Further study) AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHI 111 (5) CHIN 1XX (Further study) AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ CHI 112 (5) CHIN 1XX (112 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) (Further study) AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ CHI 113 (5) CHIN 1XX (113 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) (Further study) AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
CHIN& 121 (5) formerly CHI 101 CHIN 1XX (Further study) SUM Qtr. 2008
CHIN& 122 (5) formerly CHI 102 CHIN 1XX (122 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) (Further study) SUM Qtr. 2008
CHIN& 123 (5) formerly CHI 103 CHIN 1XX (123 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) (Further study) SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CHI 201 (5) formerly CHI 211 CHIN 211 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CHI 202 (5) formerly CHI 212 CHIN 212 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ CHI 203 (5) formerly CHI 213 CHIN 213 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ CHI 211 (5) CHIN 211 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ CHI 212 (5) CHIN 212 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ CHI 213 (5) CHIN 213 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
CHIN& 221 (5) formerly CHI 201 CHIN 211 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
CHIN& 222 (5) formerly CHI 202 CHIN 212 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
CHIN& 223 (5) formerly CHI 203 CHIN 213 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008

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College study skills (see Human development studies)


see also § Communication – Speech, § Speech, and Speech – survey of hearing impairment

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ CMN 100 (5) same as § CMN/SPE 100 COM 270 (5) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2002
CMST& 101 (5) COM 200 (5) A&H, SSc SPR Qtr. 2018
§ CMST& 101 (5) formerly CMST 105 COM 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru WIN Qtr. 2018
CMST& 102 (5) formerly JRN 100 COM 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 105 (5) COM 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 115 (5) same as § CMN/SPE 115 COM 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru WIN Qtr. 2002
§ CMN 120 (5) same as § CMN/SPE 120 COM 220 (5) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2002
§ CMN 125 (5) COM 270 (5) A&H, SSc WIN Qtr. 2003 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 135 (3-5) COM 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 140 (5) same as § CMN/SPE 140 COM 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
CMST 145 (5) formerly CMN 145 COM 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 145 (5) COM 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 150 (5) same as § CMN/SPE 150 COM 1XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
CMST 155 (5) formerly CMN 155 COM 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 155 (5) COM 1XX A&H, SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 165 (3-5) COM 1XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
CMST 175 (5) formerly CMN 175 COM 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 175 (5) COM 1XX A&H, SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CMST 185 (3-5) formerly CMN 185 COM 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 185 (3-5) COM 1XX A&H, SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CMST 205 (5) formerly CMN 205 COM 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 205 (5) COM 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CMST& 210 (5) formerly CMN 125 COM 270 (5) A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 210 (5) same as § CMN/SPE 210 COM 2XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru AUT Qtr. 2002
CMST 215 (3-5) formerly CMN 215 COM 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 215 (3-5) COM 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CMST& 220 (5) formerly CMN 135 COM 220 (5) A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 220 (5) same as § CMN/SPE 220 COM 2XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru WIN Qtr. 2003
§ CMN 225 (3-5) same as § CMN/SPE 225 COM 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
CMST& 230 (3-5) formerly CMN 165 COM 2XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
CMST 245 (5) formerly CMN 245 COM 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 245 (5) COM 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CMST 255 (3-5) formerly CMN 255 COM 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 255 (3-5) COM 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CMST 275 (3-5) formerly CMN 275 COM 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 275 (3-5) COM 2XX SSc WIN Qtr. 2003 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
CMST 285 (5) formerly CMN 285 COM 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 285 (5) COM 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
CMST 295 (1-5) formerly CMN 295 COM 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 295 (1-5) COM 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CMN 299 (1-5) same as § CMN/SPE 299 COM 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2002

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§ Communication – Speech

see also Communication, § Speech, and Speech – survey of hearing impairment

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ CMN/SPE 100 (5) formerly SPE 100 COM 270 (5) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2002
§ CMN/SPE 115 (5) formerly SPE 115 COM 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru WIN Qtr. 2002
§ CMN/SPE 120 (5) formerly SPE 120 COM 220 (5) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2002
§ CMN/SPE 140 (5) formerly SPE 140 COM 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
§ CMN/SPE 150 (5) formerly SPE 150 COM 1XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
§ CMN/SPE 210 (5) formerly SPE 210 COM 2XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru AUT Qtr. 2002
§ CMN/SPE 220 (5) formerly SPE 220 COM 2XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru WIN Qtr. 2003
§ CMN/SPE 225 (3-5) formerly SPE 225 COM 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
§ CMN/SPE 299 (1-5) formerly SPE 299 COM 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2002

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Comparative literature (see English, German*, Humanities, Literature, and § Russian*)

§ Computer information systems

formerly § Data processing
see also Computer science, Computing technology, and Information technology

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ CIS 105 (5) UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
§ CIS 106 (5) formerly DAT 106 UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ CIS 112 (3) formerly DAT 112 UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1990
§ CIS 114 (5) UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ CIS 115 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ CIS 131 (5) formerly DAT 131 UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CIS 132 (5) formerly DAT 132 UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ CIS 141 (5) formerly DAT 141 UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ CIS 142 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
§ CIS 162 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ CIS 172 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ CIS 200 (1) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
§ CIS 232 (5) formerly DAT 232 UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CIS 233 (4) formerly DAT 233 ENGR 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
§ CIS 235 (5) formerly DAT 235 UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1990
§ CIS 242 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ CIS 244 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ CIS 248 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
§ CIS 255 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ CIS 262 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ CIS 271 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ CIS 272 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2004

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Computer science

see also Computer information systems

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
CSC 110 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN]
CSC 111 (5) CSE 100 (5) or INFO 100 (5) [RSN] WIN Qtr. 2006
§ CSC 130 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1992 thru AUT Qtr. 1996
§ CSC 131 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CSC 133 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
CSC 142 (5) [Central campus] same as EGR 142 CSE 142 (4), 1XX (1) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1996
CSC 142 (5) [North campus] same as EGR 142 CSE 142 (4), 1XX (1) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1996
CSC 142 (5) [South campus] same as EGR 142 CSE 142 (4), 1XX (1) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2000
§ CSC 142 (5) [North and Central campuses] same as EGR 142 UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ CSC 142 (5) [South campus] same as EGR 142 UW 1XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
CSC 143 (5) [Central campus] CSE 143 (5) NSc [RSN] SPR Qtr. 2003
CSC 143 (5) [North campuses] CSE 143 (5) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2000
CSC 143 (5) [ South campuses] CSE 143 (5) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2008
§ CSC 143 (5) [South campus] UW 1XX NSc [RSN] WIN Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 2008
§ CSC 143 (5) [Central campus] UW 1XX NSc [RSN] WIN Qtr. 1995 thru WIN Qtr. 2003
§ CSC 143 (5) [North campus] UW 1XX NSc [RSN] WIN Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ CSC 190 (5) formerly ICT 290 UW 1XX NSc [RSN] WIN Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ CSC 205 (3) UW 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CSC 206 (3) UW 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CSC 210 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ CSC 220 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ CSC 225 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ CSC 230 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ CSC 231 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CSC 235 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CSC 250 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ CSC 252 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ CSC 291 (3) UW 2XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996

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Computing technology

see also Industrial computing technology

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
CTN 131 (5) formerly CSC 131 UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1998
§ CTN 182 (3) HCDE 1XX AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CTN 231 (5) formerly CSC 231 UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ CTN 235 (5) formerly CSC 235 UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CTN 236 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CTN 237 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CTN 238 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ CTN 250 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ CTN 260 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ CTN 265 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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Coordinated studies program

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ CSP 200 (18, max. 54) UW 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988

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§ Credits for prior learning – experiential learning program

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ CBE 200 No credit Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ CBE 201 No credit Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994

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§ Dance

see also Drama

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ DNC 110 (2) DANCE 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ DNC 120 (2) DANCE 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990

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§ Data processing

see also Computer information systems

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ DAT 106 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ DAT 112 (3) UW 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ DAT 131 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ DAT 132 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ DAT 141 (5) UW 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ DAT 232 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ DAT 233 (4) ENGR 2XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ DAT 235 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ DRA 100 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA& 101 (5) formerly DRA 100 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 103 (5) formerly DRA 103 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 103 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 105 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2010
DRMA 108 (2-5) formerly DRA 108 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 108 (1-5) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 109 (2-5) formerly DRA 109 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 109 (1-5) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 110 (2-5) formerly DRA 110 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 110 (1-5) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 112 (5) formerly DRA 112 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 112 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 114 (5) formerly DRA 114 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 114 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 115 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
DRMA 116 (4-5) formerly DRA 116 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 116 (4) DRAMA 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 120 (5) formerly DRA 120 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 120 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 121 (5) formerly DRA 121 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 121 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 122 (5) formerly DRA 122 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 122 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 123 (5) formerly DRA 123 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 123 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 131 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 131 (3) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
§ DRA 160 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
DRMA 170 (2-3) formerly DRA 170 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 170 (3) DRAMA 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 171 (2) DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2016
DRMA 172 (2) DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2016
DRMA 173 (2) DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2016
DRMA 174 (2) DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2016
DRMA 180 (5) formerly DRA 180 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 180 (5) DRAMA 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 182 (4) formerly DRA 182 DRAMA 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 182 (4) DRAMA 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 200 (1-5) formerly DRA 200 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 200 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 201 (1-5) formerly DRA 201 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 201 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 202 (1-5) formerly DRA 202 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 202 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 203 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
DRMA 204 (5) formerly DRA 204 DANCE 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 204 (5) DANCE 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 205 (5) formerly DRA 205 DANCE 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 205 (5) DANCE 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 206 (5) formerly DRA 206 DANCE 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 206 (5) DANCE 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 211 (1-5) formerly DRA 211 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 211 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 212 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ DRA 213 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
DRMA 221 (5) formerly DRA 221 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 221 (5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 222 (5) formerly DRA 222 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 222 (5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 223 (5) formerly DRA 223 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 223 (5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 224 (1-5) formerly DRA 224 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 224 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 225 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ DRA 226 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
DRMA 231 (1-5) formerly DRA 231 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 231 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 232 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ DRA 233 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
DRMA 241 (1-5) formerly DRA 241 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 241 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 242 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ DRA 243 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
DRMA 251 (1-5) formerly DRA 251 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 251 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 252 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ DRA 253 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
DRMA 261 (1-5) formerly DRA 261 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 261 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 262 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ DRA 263 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
DRMA 271 (1-5) formerly DRA 271 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 271 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 272 (1-5) formerly DRA 272 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 272 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 273 (1-5) formerly DRA 273 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 273 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 281 (1-5) formerly DRA 281 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 281 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 282 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ DRA 283 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
DRMA 284 (5) formerly DRA 284 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 284 (5) DRAMA 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 285 (2-5) formerly DRA 285 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 285 (2-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 286 (2-5) formerly DRA 286 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 286 (2-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
DRMA 291 (1-5) formerly DRA 291 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 291 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 292 (1-5) formerly DRA 292 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 292 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 293 (1-5) formerly DRA 293 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 293 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
DRMA 298 (1-5) formerly DRA 298 DRAMA 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ DRA 298 (1-5) DRAMA 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Early childhood education

see also Education

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
CCE 145 (1-4) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2002
CCE 195 (3) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2002
CCE 200 (3) ECFS 2XX AUT Qtr. 2008
CCE 240 (3) ECFS 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000
CFS 215 (2-3) ECFS 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000
CFS 225 (3) ECFS 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000
CFS 228 (3) ECFS 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000
CFS 263 (3) ECFS 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000
CFS 280 (3) ECFS 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000
CFS 284 (1-5) ECFS 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000
ECED& 105 (5) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2014
ECED& 132 (3) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2014
ECED& 134 (3) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2014
ECED& 139 (3) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2014
ECED& 160 (5) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2016
ECED& 170 (3) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2016
ECED& 180 (3) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2016
ECED& 190 (3) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2016
ECED 250 (5) ECFS 2XX AUT Qtr. 2018

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
ECON 100 (5) formerly ECO 100 ECON 100 (5) SSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ECO 100 (5) ECON 100 (5) SSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ECON 102 (5) formerly ECO 102 ECON 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ECO 102 (5) ECON 1XX SSc WIN Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ECO 120 (5) ECON 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ ECO 160 (3.5) ECON 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ ECO 175 (5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ ECO 200 (5) formerly ECO 202 ECON 200 (5) SSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ECON& 201 (5) formerly ECO 200 ECON 200 (5) SSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ECO 201 (5) ECON 201 (5) SSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ECON& 202 (5) formerly ECO 201 ECON 201 (5) SSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ECO 202 (5) ECON 200 (5) SSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ECO 203 (5) ECON 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ECO 210 (3) ECON 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ ECO 215 (5) UW 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2008
§ ECO 240 (3-5) ECON 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
ECON 298 (1-5) formerly ECO 298 ECON 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ECO 298 (1-5) ECON 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ECO 299 (3-5) ECON 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998

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see also Early childhood education and Science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ EDU 102 (5) same as GEL 102 ESS 315 (4), 1XX (1) NSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ EDU 105 (5) same as HUM 105 and ISP 105 UW 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
EDUC& 115 (5) ECFS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2014
EDUC& 130 (3) EDUC 1XX AUT Qtr. 2014
EDUC& 136 (3) EDUC 1XX AUT Qtr. 2014
EDUC& 150 (3) EDUC 1XX AUT Qtr. 2016
§ EDU 150 (1-5) same as ART 105 ART H 1XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ EDU 201 (5) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
EDUC& 202 (5) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 2010
EDUC& 203 (3) EDUC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2008
EDUC& 205 (5) EDUC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2010
§ EDUC 206 (5) formerly EDU 201 UW 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ EDU 206 (5) same as PSY 206 PSYCH 306 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ EDUC 210 (5) EDUC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2021
§ EDUC 211 (5) EDUC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2021
§ EDUC 220 (5) EDUC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2019
EDUC 222 (5) EDUC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2018
EDUC 234 (3) EDUC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2018
§ EDU 255 (5) same as SOC 250 SOC 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
EDUC 271 (5) EDUC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2008
EDUC 272 (5) EDUC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2008

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Emergency medical technician (see Allied health)


see also Material science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
ENGR 110 (1) formerly EGR 110 ENGR 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 110 (1) ENGR 1XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGR& 111 (4) formerly EGR 123 ENGR 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 111 (4) ENGR 1XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGR& 112 (4) formerly EGR 124 ENGR 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGR 116 (4) formerly EGR 111 ENGR 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 123 (4) ENGR 1XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 124 (4) ENGR 1XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGR 140 (5) formerly EGR 140 ENGR 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 140 (5) ENGR 1XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 141 (5) ENGR 1XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
ENGR 142 (5) same as CSC 142; formerly EGR 142 CSE 142 (4), 1XX (1) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 142 (5) [Central campus] same as CSC 142 CSE 142 (4), 1XX (1) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 142 (5) [North campus] same as CSC 142 CSE 142 (4), 1XX (1) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 142 (5) [South campus] same as CSC 142 CSE 142 (4), 1XX (1) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 142 (5) [North and Central campuses] same as CSC 142 UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ EGR 142 (5) [South campus] same as CSC 142 UW 1XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
ENGR 161 (5) formerly EGR 161 ESRM 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 161 (5) ESRM 1XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGR 170 (4) [South campus] MSE 170 (4) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 170 (4) [South campus] MSE 170 (4) NSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 170 (4) MSE 170 (4) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
ENGR 171 (1) formerly EGR 171 ENGR 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 171 (1) ENGR 1XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 190 (4) ENGR 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
ENGR& 204 (5) formerly EGR 215 E E 215 (4), 2XX (1) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 210 (5) A A 210 (4), 2XX (1) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGR& 214 (5) formerly EGR 210 A A 210 (4), 2XX (1) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGR& 215 (5) formerly EGR 230 M E 230 (4), 2XX (1) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 215 (5) E E 215 (4), 2XX (1) NSc WIN Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 220 (5) CEE 220 (4), 2XX (1) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGR& 224 (5) formerly EGR 260 A A 260 (4), 2XX (1) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGR& 225 (5) formerly EGR 220 CEE 220 (4), 2XX (1) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 230 (5) M E 230 (4), 2XX (1) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 231 (3) ENGR 231 (3) AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGR 240 (5) AMATH 301 (4), 2XX (1) WIN Qtr. 2011
§ EGR 260 (5) A A 260 (4), 2XX (1) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 275 (5) ENGR 2XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
ENGR 298 (1-5) formerly EGR 298 ENGR 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 298 (1-5) ENGR 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGR 299 (1-5) formerly EGR 299 ENGR 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ EGR 299 (1-5) ENGR 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
ENGL& 101 (5) formerly ENG 101 ENGL 131 (5) [C] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 101 (5) ENGL 131 (5) [C] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 101A (3) ENGL 1XX [C] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ ENG 101B (3) ENGL 1XX [C] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
ENGL& 102 (5) formerly ENG 102 ENGL 141 (5) [C] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 102 (5) ENGL 141 (5) [C] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 104 (5) formerly ENG 104 ENGL 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 104 (5) ENGL 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 106 (3) formerly ENG 106 HCDE 1XX [C] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 106 (3) HCDE 1XX [C] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 108 (3) formerly ENG 108 HCDE 1XX [C] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 108 (3) HCDE 1XX [C] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENGL 109 (5) formerly ENG 109 ENGL 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ENG 109 (5) ENGL 1XX WIN Qtr. 1997 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 110 (5) ENGL 210 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 111 (5) formerly ENG 135 ENGL 200 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 112 (5) formerly ENG 132 ENGL 242 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 113 (5) formerly ENG 131 ENGL 243 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 114 (5) formerly ENG 133 ENGL 244 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 114 (5) ENGL 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL 117 (5) formerly ENG 114 ENGL 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 120 (5) ENGL 213 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 131 (5) ENGL 243 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 132 (5) ENGL 242 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 133 (5) ENGL 244 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 135 (5) ENGL 200 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 141, 142 (5, 5) ENGL 225 (5) for either course, 1XX (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 142 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENGL 150 (3-5) formerly ENG 150 ENGL 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ENG 150 (3-5) ENGL 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL 151 (5) formerly ENG 151 ENGL 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 151 (5) ENGL 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 152 (5) formerly ENG 152 ENGL 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 152 (5) ENGL 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 153 (5) formerly ENG 153 ENGL 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 153 (5) ENGL 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENGL 155 (3) formerly ENG 155 ENGL 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ENG 155 (3) ENGL 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ENGL 201 (5) formerly ENG 201 ENGL 2XX [C] SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ENG 201 (5) ENGL 2XX [C] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 202 (5) ENGL 2XX [C] WIN Qtr. 1995 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ENGL 203 (3) formerly ENG 203 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ENG 203 (3) ENGL 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL 205 (5) formerly ENG 205 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 205 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 211 (5) ENGL 228 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 212 (5) ENGL 229 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 213 (5) ENGL 230 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 214 (5) formerly ENG 214 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 214 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL 218 (5) formerly ENG 235 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENGL 219 (5) formerly ENG 236 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ENG 221-224 (5 each) ENGL 250 (5) for any course, 2XX (5-15) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 222 (5) see ENG 221 combined entry
§ ENG 223 (5) see ENG 221 combined entry
ENGL& 224, 225 (5, 5) formerly ENG 141, 142 ENGL 225 (5) for either course, 2XX (5), otherwise 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 224 (5) see ENG 221 combined entry
§ ENG 225 (5) ENGL 257 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 226 (5) formerly ENG 211 ENGL 228 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 226 (5) ENGL 316 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 227 (5) formerly ENG 212 ENGL 229 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 227 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 228 (5) formerly ENG 213 ENGL 230 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 228 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 229 (5) ENGL 258 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 230 (3) formerly EGR 231 ENGR 231 (3) SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 230 (5) ENGL 211 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
ENGL 231 (1-5) formerly ENG 231 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 231 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 232 (5) formerly ENG 232 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 232 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ENGL 233 (2-5) formerly ENG 233 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ENG 233 (2-5) ENGL 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 235 (5) [South and North] ENGR 231 (3), 2XX (2) SUM Qtr. 2012
§ ENG 235 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H WIN Qtr. 2001 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 236 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 240 (5) formerly ENG 240 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 240 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENGL 241 (5) formerly ENG 241 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ENG 241 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENGL& 244, 245, 246 (5 each) formerly ENG 221, 222, 223 ENGL 250 (5) for any course, 2XX (5-10) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
ENGL& 245, 246 (5 each) ENGL 250 (5) for either course, 2XX (0-5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2016
ENGL 251 (5) formerly ENG 251 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 251 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 252 (5) formerly ENG 252 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 252 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 253 (5) formerly ENG 253 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 253 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 254 (5) formerly ENG 110 ENGL 210 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL& 256 (5) formerly ENG 120 ENGL 213 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 257 (5) formerly ENG 224 ENGL 250 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 258 (5) formerly ENG 228 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 259 (5) formerly ENG 229 ENGL 258 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 2008
ENGL 260 (5) formerly ENG 225 ENGL 257 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 261 (5) [North campus] ENGL 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
ENGL 263 (5) formerly ENG 263 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 263 (5) formerly ENG 261 ENGL 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL 265 (5) formerly ENG 265 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 265 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL 266 (5) formerly ENG 226 ENGL 316 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 267 (5) formerly ENG 227 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 291 (5) formerly ENG 291 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 291 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 292 (5) formerly ENG 292 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 292 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 293 (5) formerly ENG 293 ENGL 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 293 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 294 (5) HCDE 2XX [C] AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 295 (5) HCDE 2XX [C] AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
ENGL 296 (1-3) formerly ENG 296 ENGL 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 296 (1-3) ENGL 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
ENGL 299 (1-5) formerly ENG 299 ENGL 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ENG 299 (1-5) ENGL 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Environmental sciences

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
ENVS& 101 (5) ESRM 100 (5) SSc, NSc AUT Qtr. 2013
§ ENV 100 (3) UW 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
ENVS 150 (5) formerly ENV 150 ESRM 100 (5) SSc, NSc AUT Qtr. 2012
§ ENV 150 (5) ESRM 100 (5) SSc, NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2012
ENVS 170 (5) formerly ENV 170 ENVIR 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2012
§ ENV 170 (5) ENVIR 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2012
ENVS 201 (5) formerly ENV 201 ESRM 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2012
§ ENV 201 (5) ESRM 2XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2012
§ ENV 202 (5) UW 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
ENVS 203 (5) formerly ENV 203 ENVIR 2XX SSc, NSc AUT Qtr. 2012
§ ENV 203 (5) ENVIR 2XX SSc, NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2012
ENVS 204 (5) ESRM 210 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 2012
§ ENV 204 (5) ESRM 210 (5) NSc WIN Qtr. 2012 thru SUM Qtr. 2012
§ ENV 205 (3) ENVIR 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
ENVS 221 (5) formerly ENV 221 ENVIR 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2012
§ ENV 221 (5) ENVIR 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2012

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ FRE 101 (5) FRENCH 101 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ FRE 102 (5) FRENCH 102 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ FRE 103 (5) FRENCH 103 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
FRCH& 121 (5) formerly FRE 101 FRENCH 101 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
FRCH& 122 (5) formerly FRE 102 FRENCH 102 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
FRCH& 123 (5) formerly FRE 103 FRENCH 103 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
§ FRE 201 (5) FRENCH 201 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ FRE 202 (5) FRENCH 202 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ FRE 203 (5) FRENCH 203 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ FRCH 204 (2-5) formerly FRE 204 FRENCH 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ FRE 204 (2-5) FRENCH 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1999 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ FRCH 205 (2-5) formerly FRE 208 FRENCH 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ FRE 205 (2-5) FRENCH 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1999 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ FRCH 206 (2-5) formerly FRE 206 FRENCH 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ FRE 206 (2-5) FRENCH 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1999 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ FRCH 210 (4.5) formerly FRE 210 FRENCH 378 (5) [4.5 credits allowed] A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ FRE 210 (4.5) FRENCH 378 (5) [4.5 credits allowed] A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ FRCH 212 (5) formerly FRE 212 FRENCH 202 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ FRE 212 (5) FRENCH 202 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ FRCH 215 (4.5) formerly FRE 215 FRENCH 304 (5) [4.5 credits allowed] A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ FRE 215 (4.5) FRENCH 304 (5) [4.5 credits allowed] A&H AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
FRCH& 221 (5) formerly FRE 201 FRENCH 201 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
FRCH& 222 (5) formerly FRE 202 FRENCH 202 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
FRCH& 223 (5) formerly FRE 203 FRENCH 203 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
FRCH 231 (5) formerly FRE 231 FRENCH 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ FRE 231 (5) FRENCH 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
FRCH 232 (5) formerly FRE 232 FRENCH 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ FRE 232 (5) FRENCH 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
FRCH 233 (5) formerly FRE 233 FRENCH 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ FRE 233 (5) FRENCH 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ FRE 234 (5) same as LIT 234 C LIT 230 (5) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2004

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Gender and women studies

formerly Women studies
see also History and Philosophy

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
WMN 140 (5) same as HIST 140 GWSS 283 (5) or HSTAA 373 (5) SSc SPR Qtr. 1995
WMN 200 (5) GWSS 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994
WMN 205 (5) same as ISP 205 GWSS 2XX or JSIS B 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000
WMN 213 (5) same as POL 213 GWSS 313 (5) or POL S 313 (5) SSc WIN Qtr. 1996
WMN 257 (5) same as PSYC 257 GWSS 257 (5) or PSYCH 257 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1995
WMN 298 (1-5) GWSS 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000

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Genetics (see Biology)


Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
GEOG& 100 (5) formerly GEG 100 GEOG 100 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 100 (5) GEOG 100 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 120 (5) GEOG 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
§ GEG 140 (5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
GEOG 155 (5) formerly GEG 155 GEOG 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 155 (5) GEOG 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 180 (5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ GEG 186 (5) GEOG 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2002
GEOG& 200 (5) formerly GEG 200 GEOG 200 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 200 (5) GEOG 200 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2011
GEOG 205 (5) formerly GEG 205 GEOG 205 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 205 (5) GEOG 205 (5) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2011
GEOG 207 (5) formerly GEG 207 GEOG 207 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 207 (5) GEOG 207 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2011
GEOG 230 (5) formerly GEG 230 GEOG 230 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 230 (5) GEOG 230 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2011
GEOG 260 (5) formerly GEG 260 GEOG 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 260 (5) GEOG 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 277 (5) GEOG 277 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
GEOG 298 (1-5) formerly GEG 298 GEOG 2XX AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 298 (1-5) GEOG 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2011
§ GEG 299 (3-5) GEOG 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996

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see also Science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ GEL 100 (5) ESS 100 (2), 1XX (3) NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
GEOL& 101, GEOL 105 (5, 5) formerly GEL 101, 105 ESS 101 (5) for either course, 1XX (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 101, 105 (5, 5) ESS 101 (5) for either course, 1XX (5) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 102 (5) same as EDU 102 ESS 315 (4), 1XX (1) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
GEOL& 103 (5) formerly GEL 103 ESS 203 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 103 (5) ESS 203 (5) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEOL 104 (5) ESRM 250 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 2011 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ GEOL 104 (5) formerly GEL 104 ESS 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2011
§ GEL 104 (5) ESS 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
GEOL 105 (5) formerly GEL 105; see GEOL& 101 combined entry SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 105 (5) see GEL 101 combined entry AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
GEOL 106 (5) formerly GEL 100 ESS 100 (2), 1XX (3) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 106 (3) ESS 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ GEL 107 (3) ESS 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
GEOL 108 (5) formerly GEL 108 ESS 103 (3), 1XX (2) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 108 (5) ESS 103 (3), 1XX (2) NSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
GEOL& 110 (5) formerly GEL 102 same as EDU 102 ESS 315 (4), 1XX (1) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
GEOL 111 (1) same as SCI 111; formerly GEL 115 ESS 1XX SPR Qtr. 2008
GEOL& 115 (5) formerly GEL 200 ESS 305 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 115 (1) same as SCI 115 ESS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
GEOL 118 (1) formerly GEL 118; same as SCI 118 ESS 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 118 (1) same as SCI 118 ESS 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 200 (5) ESS 204 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
GEOL 202 (3) formerly GEL 202 ESS 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 202 (3) ESS 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 202 (3) ESS 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
GEOL 207 (5) formerly GEL 207 ESS 302 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 207 (5) ESS 302 (5) NSc SPR Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
GEOL& 208 (5) formerly GEL 208 ESS 301 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 208 (5) ESS 301 (5) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
GEOL 298 (1-5) formerly GEL 298 ESS 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 298 (1-5) ESS 2XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
GEOL 299 (1-5) formerly GEL 299 ESS 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GEL 299 (1-5) ESS 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ GER 101 (5) GERMAN 101 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GER 102 (5) GERMAN 102 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GER 103 (5) GERMAN 103 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
GERM& 121 (5) formerly GER 101 GERMAN 101 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
GERM& 122 (5) formerly GER 102 GERMAN 102 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
GERM& 123 (5) formerly GER 103 GERMAN 103 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GER 199 (1-2) GERMAN 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ GER 201 (5) GERMAN 201 (5) A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ GER 202 (5) GERMAN 202 (5) A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ GER 203 (5) GERMAN 203 (5) A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ GER 236 (5) GERMAN 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ GER 238 (5) same as RUS 238 C LIT 200 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
GERM 299 (1-5) formerly GER 299 GERMAN 299 (1-5, max. 10) [credit allowed varies 1-5] A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ GER 299 (1-5) GERMAN 299 (1-5, max. 10) [credit allowed varies 1-5] A&H AUT Qtr. 1995 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
HEA 150 (5) UW 1XX SSc
HEA 225 (5) G H 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2008

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§ Hebrew

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ HEBR 101 (5) HEBR 411 (5) AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ HEBR 102 (5) HEBR 412 (5) AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2004

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ HIS 101 (5) HSTAM 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 102 (5) HSTEU 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 103 (5) HSTCMP 193 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 105 (3-5) formerly HIS 105 HSTAA 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 105 (3-5) HSTAA 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 106 (5) formerly HIS 106 HSTAA 101 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 106 (5) HSTAA 101 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 108 (5) formerly HIS 108 HSTCMP 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 108 (5) HSTCMP 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 109 (5) HSTCMP 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
§ HIST 111, 112 (5, 5) HSTAA 101 (5), 1XX (5) if both courses taken; otherwise, HSTAA 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2009
§ HIS 111, 112 (5, 5) HSTAA 101 (5), 1XX (5) if both courses taken; otherwise, HSTAA 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIST 113, 114, 115 (5, 5, 5) HSTAA 101 (5), 1XX (5-10) if two or more courses taken; otherwise, HSTAA 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2010
§ HIS 113, 114, 115 (5, 5, 5) HSTAA 101 (5), 1XX (5-10) if two or more courses taken; otherwise, HSTAA 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 116 (5) HSTEU 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ HIS 117 (3) HSTCMP 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ HIS 118 (3) HSTCMP 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
HIST 120 (5) HSTAFM 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 120 (5) HSTAFM 1XX SSc SPR Qtr. 1997 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 121 (3-5) HSTAA 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
HIST 122 (1-2) HSTAA 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 122 (1-2) HSTAA 1XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST& 126 (5) formerly HIS 101 HSTAM 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST& 127 (5) formerly HIS 102 HSTEU 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST& 128 (5) formerly HIS 103 HSTCMP 193 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 130 (3) formerly HIS 130 HSTCMP 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 130 (3) HSTCMP 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
HIST 131 (5) formerly HIS 136 HSTAA 205 (5) SSc
HIST 132 (5) HSTCMP 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2014
§ HIS 135 (5) HSTAA 150 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
HIST& 136, 137 (5, 5) formerly HIS 111, 112 HSTAA 101 (5), 1XX (5) if both courses taken; otherwise, HSTAA 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2009
§ HIS 136 (5) HSTAA 205 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 137 (5) AIS 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 138 (5) formerly HIS 138 HSTLAC 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 138 (5) HSTLAC 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 140 (5) same as WMN 140 GWSS 283 (5) or HSTAA 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 140 (5) same as WMN 140 GWSS 283 (5) or HSTAA 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 145 (5) GWSS 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 145 (5) GWSS 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
HIST& 146, 147, 148 (5, 5, 5) formerly HIS 113, 114, 115 HSTAA 101 (5), 1XX (5-10) if two or more courses taken; otherwise, HSTAA 1XX SSc SPR Qtr. 2010
HIST 150 (5) formerly HIS 150 HSTAA 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 150 (5) HSTAA 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 191 (5) formerly HIS 191 HSTAA 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 191 (5) HSTAA 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 200 (5) formerly HIS 200 HSTAA 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 200 (5) HSTAA 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 201 (5) HSTAM 112 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 201 (5) HSTAM 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ HIS 202 (5) HIST 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 202 (5) HSTEU 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ HIS 204 (5) HSTCMP 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ HIS 204 (5) HSTCMP 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ HIS 206 (5) HSTEU 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
HIST 208 (5) formerly HIS 208 HSTEU 140 (5) or JSIS A 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 208 (5) HSTEU 140 (5) or JSIS A 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 210 (5) same as ISP 210; formerly HIS 210 HSTAS 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 210 (5) same as ISP 210 HSTAS 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2007 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 210 (5) same as ISP 210 JSIS A 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2007
HIST 211 (5) formerly HIS 211 HSTAFM 161 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 211 (5) HSTAFM 161 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 212 (5) formerly HIS 215 HSTAS 265 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST& 214 (5) formerly HIS 264 HSTAA 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 215 (5) HSTAS 265 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 217 (5) HSTEU 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
HIST 218 (5) formerly HIS 218 UW 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 218 (5) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
HIST& 219 (5) formerly HIS 137 AIS 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 221 (5) formerly HIS 221 HSTCMP 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 221 (5) HSTCMP 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
HIST 230 (5) HSTAA 221 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIST 241 (5) formerly HIS 241 HSTAS 221 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ HIS 241 (5) HSTAS 221 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ HIST 242 (5) formerly HIS 242 HSTAS 265 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ HIS 242 (5) HSTAS 265 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
HIST 251 (5) same as ISP 251; formerly HIS 251 HSTAS 211 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 251 (5) same as ISP 251 HSTAS 211 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 264 (5) HSTAA 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 268 (5) formerly HIS 268 HSTLAC 185 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 268 (5) HSTLAC 185 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 269 (5) HSTLAC 269 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 273 (5) formerly HIS 273 HSTAA 273 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 273 (5) HSTAA 273 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 290 (3) HSTAA 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
HIST 298 (1-5) formerly HIS 298 HSTCMP 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 298 (1-5) HSTCMP 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HIST 299 (3-5) formerly HIS 299 HSTCMP 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HIS 299 (3-5) HSTCMP 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Human development studies

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
(LC) = Limited Credit: a maximum of 3 credits will transfer for all GEN ST 101 course work
HDC 102 (1-3) GEN ST 101 (1-3) [credits allowed varies 1-3] (LC)

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ HUM 101 (5) UW 1XX A&H, SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HUM 102 (5) UW 1XX A&H, SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ HUM 103 (5) UW 1XX A&H, SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
HUM 104 (5) UW 1XX A&H
HUM 105 (5) same as ISP 105 and § EDU 105 UW 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1988
HUM 110 (3-5) CMS 270 (5) if 5 credits taken; otherwise, CMS 1XX A&H
HUM 112 (5) UW 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994
§ HUM 113 (5) UW 1XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ HUM 114 (5) UW 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ HUM 115 (3) UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
HUM& 116 (5) formerly HUM 101 UW 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
HUM& 117 (5) formerly HUM 102 UW 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
HUM& 118 (5) formerly HUM 103 UW 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
HUM 120 (5) UW 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
HUM 125 (5) UW 1XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2004
HUM 135 (5) CMS 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2012
HUM 140 (5) CMS 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2010
HUM 160 (5) same as ISP 160 ASIAN 1XX A&H, SSc WIN Qtr. 1995
§ HUM 180 (5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
HUM 200 (5) UW 2XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 1998
§ HUM 200 (5) UW 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
HUM 210 (5) UW 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1998
§ HUM 231 (5) UW 2XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ HUM 231 (5) UW 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ HUM 232 (5) UW 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ HUM 234 (5) same as ISP 234 JSIS A 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ HUM 235 (5) ENGL 2XX A&H WIN Qtr. 2001 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ HUM 250 (5) UW 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ HUM 251 (5) UW 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
HUM 261 (5) same as ISP 261 JSIS A 2XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000
HUM 270 (5) UW 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004
§ HUM 293 (5) same as ISP 293 and SOC 293 [North campus] JSIS A 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
HUM 294 (1-5) UW 2XX
HUM 295 (2-5) UW 2XX
HUM 296 (2-5) UW 2XX
HUM 299 (1-5) UW 2XX

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§ Industrial computing technology

see also Computing technology

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ ICT 150 (5) UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ ICT 211 (3) UW 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
§ ICT 230 (3) UW 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
§ ICT 250 (3) UW 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
§ ICT 290 (6) formerly INT 290 UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
§ ICT 291 (5) formerly INT 291 UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
§ ICT 296 (5) formerly INT 296 UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr.1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ ICT 297 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994

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§ Industrial technology

see also Industrial computing technology

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ INT 230 (4) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ INT 290 (6) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ INT 291 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ INT 296 (5) UW 2XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988

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Information technology (includes MIC and WEB)

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ IT 106 (5) UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2010
§ IT 115 (5) UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ IT 172 (5) UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ IT 252 (5) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ IT 256 (5) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ IT 262 (5) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ IT 272 (5) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ IT 290 (1-6) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ MIC 115 (5) UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2014
§ MIC 151 (5) UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
WEB 160 (4) HCDE 1XX AUT Qtr. 2004

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Integrated media communications

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ IMC 101 (3) ART 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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International studies

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
ISP 101 (5) same as SOC 101 SOC 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1995
§ ISP 105 (5) same as HUM 105 and § EDU 105 UW 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ISP 110 (5) JSIS B 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ISP 112 (5) same as POL 112 POL S 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ISP 112 (5) same as POL 112 POL S 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
§ ISP 120 (5) SCAND 100 (5) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ISP 160 (5) same as HUM 160 ASIAN 1XX A&H, SSc WIN Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ISP 170 (5) same as SOC 170 JSIS A 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
ISP 201 (5) JSIS B 2XX SSc WIN Qtr. 2000
ISP 205 (5) same as WMN 205 JSIS B 2XX or GWSS 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000
§ ISP 210 (5) same as HIS 210 JSIS A 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qr. 2016
ISP 220 (5) GEOG 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1996
§ ISP 234 (5) same as HUM 234 JSIS A 2XX SSc WIN Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ISP 251 (5) same as HIS 251 HSTAS 211 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ISP 255 (5) same as ART 255 ART H 204 (5) A&H, SSc WIN Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ISP 260 (5) JSIS B 2XX or GEOG 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
ISP 261 (5) same as HUM 261 JSIS A 2XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000
§ ISP 270 (5) SCAND 200 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ ISP 293 (5) same as HUM 293 and SOC 293 JSIS A 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2016

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Interpreter training*

see also American sign language*

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ ITP 101 (5) formerly ITP 140 UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1995
§ ITP 102 (5) formerly ITP 141 UW 1XX (102 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1995
§ ITP 103 (5) formerly ITP 142 UW 1XX (103 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1995
§ ITP 120 (5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to WIN Qtr. 1996
§ ITP 125 (5) ANTH 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1995
§ ITP 140 (5) UW 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ITP 141 (5) UW 1XX (141 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ITP 142 (5) UW 1XX (142 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ITP 143 (5) UW 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ITP 144 (5) UW 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ ITP 201 (5) formerly ITP 143 UW 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1995
§ ITP 202 (5) formerly ITP 144 UW 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1995
§ ITP 203 (5) UW 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1995
§ ITP 210 (5) UW 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1995

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
ITAL 121 (5) formerly ITA 101 ITAL 101 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
§ ITA 101 (5) ITAL 101 (5) AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ JPN 101 (5) formerly JPN 111 JAPAN 101 AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ JPN 102 (5) formerly JPN 112 JAPAN 102 AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ JPN 103 (5) formerly JPN 113 JAPAN 103 AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ JPN 111 (5) JAPAN 101 Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ JPN 112 (5) JAPAN 102 Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ JPN 113 (5) JAPAN 103 Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
JAPN& 121 (5) formerly JPN 101 JAPAN 101 SUM Qtr. 2008
JAPN& 122 (5) formerly JPN 102 JAPAN 102 SUM Qtr. 2008
JAPN& 123 (5) formerly JPN 103 JAPAN 103 SUM Qtr. 2008
§ JPN 201 (5) JAPAN 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ JPN 202 (5) JAPAN 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ JPN 203 (5) JAPAN 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
JAPN& 221 (5) formerly JPN 201 JAPAN 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
JAPN& 222 (5) formerly JPN 202 JAPAN 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
JAPN& 223 (5) formerly JPN 203 JAPAN 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
JAPN 298 (1-5) JAPAN 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ JPN 298 (1-10) JAPAN 2XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
JAPN 299 (1-5) formerly JPN 299 JAPAN 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ JPN 299 (2-5) JAPAN 2XX AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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see also Communication

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
(LC) = Limited Credit: a maximum of 3 credits will transfer for all COM XX courses flagged with LC
§ JRN 100 (5) same as JRN 120 COM 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ JRN 101 (5) COM 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ JRN 102 (2-4) COM 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ JRN 103 (4) COM 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ JRN 104 (1-5) COM 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ JRN 105 (1-5) COM 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ JRN 106 (1-5) COM 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ JRN 120 (5) same as JRN 100 COM 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
JRN 199 (1-5) COM 1XX (LC)

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Language and literature (see American sign language*, Chinese*, English, French*, German*, Italian*, Japanese*, Linguistics, Literature, § Russian*, Spanish*, or Vietnamese*)

§ Latin*

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ LAT 101 (5) LATIN 101 (5) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ LAT 102 (5) LATIN 102 (5) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994

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Library research

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ LIB 140 (3) [South campus] INFO 100 (5) [3 credits allowed] or CSE 100 (5) [3 credits allowed] [RSN] SPR Qtr. 2005 thru SUM Qtr. 2014

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
LAN 101 (5) LING 200 (5) A&H, SSc [RSN] WIN Qtr. 1995
LAN 110 (5) LING 1XX A&H, SSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2000

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ LIT 234 (5) same as FRE 234 C LIT 230 (5) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
LIT 236 (5) same as SPAN 236 C LIT 200 (3/5) [5 credits allowed] A&H AUT Qtr. 2000
LIT 238 (5) same as SPAN 238 SPAN 2XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2004

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Material science

see also Engineering

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
MSC 101 (5) [North campus] MSE 170 (4), 1XX (1) NSc WIN Qtr. 1999

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
MATH 094, 095 [South campus] MATH 098 [0 credit allowed] if both courses taken WIN Qtr. 2013
MATH 098 formerly MAT 098 MATH 098 [0 credit allowed] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 098 formerly MAT 101 see MATH 098 MATH 098 [0 credit allowed] AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 098 No credit Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ MATH 100 formerly MAT 100 No credit SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2010
§ MAT 100 No credit Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 101 MATH 098 [0 credit allowed] AUT Qtr. 1970 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
MATH 102 (5) formerly MAT 102 MATH 1XX NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 102 (5) MATH 1XX NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH 103 (5) formerly MAT 103 MATH 1XX NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 103 (5) MATH 1XX NSc [RSN] WIN Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 103 No credit AUT Qtr. 1986 thru AUT Qtr. 1997
§ MATH 104 (3) formerly MAT 104 UW 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2010
§ MAT 104 (3) UW 1XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 105 (5) [Central and South campuses] UW 1XX NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ MAT 105 (5) [North campus] MATH 120 (5) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 1998
§ MATH 106 formerly MAT 106 No credit SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2010
§ MAT 106 No credit AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 106 (3) MATH 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
MATH& 107 (5) formerly MAT 107 MATH 1XX NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 107 (5) MATH 1XX NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 108 No credit AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998,
§ MAT 108 No credit Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ MATH 109 (5) formerly MAT 109 STAT 220 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2014
§ MAT 109 (5) formerly MAT 240 STAT 220 (5) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2003 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 109 No credit Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
MATH 110 formerly MAT 110 No credit SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 110 No credit AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MATH 111 formerly MAT 111 No credit SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 111 No credit Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH 112 formerly MAT 112 No credit SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 112 No credit Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH 113 formerly MAT 113 No credit SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 113 No credit Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 114 No credit AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MATH 115 formerly MAT 115 No credit SUM Qtr. 2016
§ MATH 115 formerly MAT 115 No credit SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2014
§ MAT 115 No credit Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH 116 (5) formerly MAT 116 MATH 111 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 116 (5) formerly MAT 156 MATH 111 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 116 No credit Prior to SUM Qtr. 1998
§ MAT 117 (5) formerly MAT 157 MATH 112 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 117 No credit Prior to SUM Qtr. 1998
§ MATH 118 formerly MAT 118 No credit SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2010
§ MAT 118 No credit AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 118 No credit Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
MATH 119 (3) formerly MAT 119 MATH 1XX (3) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 119 (3) MATH 1XX (3) NSc AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 119 No credit SPR Qtr. 1993 only
MATH 120 (5) formerly MAT 120 MATH 120 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 120 (5) formerly MAT 105 [North campus] MATH 120 (5) for either MAT 120 or MAT 123 NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 122 (5) formerly MAT 105 [Central and South campuses] UW 1XX NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 123 (5) MATH 120 (5) for either MAT 120 or MAT 123 NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 124 (5) MATH 124 (5) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 125 (5) MATH 125 (5) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 125, 126 (5,5) [Central Campus] MATH 125 (5), MATH 126 (5) NSc SPR Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 125, 126 (5, 5) [North campus] MATH 125, 126 (5,5) if both courses taken; otherwise, see individual entries NSc Prior to WIN Qtr. 2004
§ MAT 126, 298S (5, 2) [Central campus] MATH 126 (5), 2XX (2) if both courses taken; otherwise, see individual entries NSc Prior to SPR Qtr. 2006
§ MAT 126 (5) [Central campus] MATH 1XX NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 126 (5) [North and South campuses] MATH 126 NSc SPR Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 126 (5) [North campus] see also MAT 125 combined entry MATH 1XX NSc Prior to SPR Qtr. 2004
MATH& 131 (5) formerly MATH 170 EDUC 170 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 2010
MATH& 132 (5) formerly MATH 171 EDUC 171 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 2010
MATH 136 (5) STAT 136 (5) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2012
MATH& 141 (5) formerly MAT 122 MATH 1XX NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH& 142 (5) formerly MAT 123 MATH 120 NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH& 146 (5) formerly MATH 109 STAT 220 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2012
MATH& 148 (5) formerly MAT 117 MATH 112 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH& 151 (5) formerly MAT 124 MATH 124 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH& 152 (5) formerly MAT 125 MATH 125 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH& 152, 163 (5, 5) [Central Campus] formerly MAT 125, 126 MATH 125 (5), MATH 126 (5) if both courses taken; otherwise, see individual entries NSc SUM Qtr. 2014
§ MATH& 152, 153 (5, 5) [Central Campus] formerly MAT 125, 126 MATH 125 (5), MATH 126 (5) if both courses taken; otherwise, see individual entries NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2014
§ MATH& 153 (5) [North and South campuses only] formerly MAT 126 MATH 126 NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2014
§ MATH& 153 (5) [Central campus] formerly MAT 126 MATH 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SPR Qtr. 2014
§ MAT 156 (5) MATH 111 (5) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 1998
§ MAT 157 (5) MATH 112 (5) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 1998
MATH& 163 (5) [North and South campuses only] formerly MATH& 153 MATH 126 NSc SUM Qtr. 2014
MATH& 163 (5) [Central campus] formerly MATH& 153, see also MATH& 152, 163 MATH 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2014
§ MATH 170 (5) formerly MAT 170 EDUC 170 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2010
§ MAT 170 (5) EDUC 170 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 1999 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MATH 171 (5) EDUC 171 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2010
§ MAT 205 (3) MATH 205 (3) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
MATH 211 (5) STAT 311 (5) NSc [RSN] SPR Qtr. 2013
MATH 215 (2) formerly MAT 215 MATH 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 215 (2) MATH 2XX NSc SPR Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MATH 216 (2) formerly MAT 216 MATH 2XX NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 216 (2) MATH 2XX NSc SPR Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MATH 220 (5) formerly MAT 220 MATH 208 (3), 2XX (2) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 220 (3-5) MATH 208 (3), 2XX (1-2) NSc AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MATH 224 (5) formerly MAT 224 MATH 224 (3), 2XX (2) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 224 (5) MATH 224 (3), 2XX (2) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH 238 (5) formerly MAT 238 MATH 207 (3), 2XX (2) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 238 (5) MATH 207 (3), 2XX (2) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MATH 239 (5) MATH 209 (3) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 240 (5) STAT 220 (5) NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 2003
§ MAT 245 No credit AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MATH 298 (1-5) formerly MAT 298 UW 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 298 (1-5) UW 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 298S (2) [Central campus] see also MAT 126 combined entry MATH 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2001 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MATH 299 (1-5) formerly MAT 299 UW 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MAT 299 (1-5) UW 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
MEY 100 (5) ATM S 101 (5) NSc
MEY 298 (1-5) ATM S 2XX
MEY 299 (1-5) ATM S 2XX

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
MUSC 100 (5) formerly MUS 100 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 100 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 101 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 102 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 103 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 104 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ MUS 105 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 105 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
MUSC& 105 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2010
§ MUSC 106 (5) formerly MUS 105 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ MUS 106 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ MUS 107 (3) MUSIC 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ MUS 108 (3) MUSIC 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
MUSC 109 (5) formerly MUS 109 MUSIC 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 109 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 110 (5) formerly MUS 110 MUSIC 1XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 110 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H, SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 111 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
MUSC 113 (5) formerly MUS 113 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 113 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 116 (5) formerly MUS 116 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 116 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 117 (5) formerly MUS 117 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 117 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 119 (2-3) formerly MUS 119 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 119 (2-3) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 120 (2) formerly MUS 120 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 120 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 121 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 122 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 123 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 125 (5) formerly MUS 125 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 125 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 126 (2) formerly MUS 121 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 127 (2) formerly MUS 122 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 128 (2) formerly MUS 123 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 128 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ MUS 129 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
MUSC 130 (1-2) formerly MUS 130 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 130 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 131 (1-2) formerly MUS 131A, 131B MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 131A (2) formerly MUS 131.01 MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ MUS 131B (2) formerly MUS 131.02 MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ MUS 131.01 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ MUS 131.02 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ MUS 132 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 133 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 134 (1-2) formerly MUS 134 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 134 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 135 (1-2) formerly MUS 135 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 135 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 136 (1-2) formerly MUS 136 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 136 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 137 (1-2) formerly MUS 137 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 137 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 138 (1-2) formerly MUS 138 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 138 (1-2) formerly MUS 138A, 138B MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 138A (2) formerly MUS 138.01 MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ MUS 138B (2) formerly MUS 138.02 MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ MUS 138.01 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ MUS 138.02 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
MUSC 139 (1-2) formerly MUS 139 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 139 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 140 (1-5, max 15) formerly MUS 140 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 140 (1-5, max. 15) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC& 141 (5) formerly MUS 101 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 141 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC& 142 (5) formerly MUS 102 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 142 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC& 143 (5) formerly MUS 103 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 143 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 144 (2) formerly MUS 144 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 144 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 145 (2) formerly MUS 145 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 145 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 146 (5) formerly MUS 146 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 146 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 147 (5) formerly MUS 147 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 147 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 148 (5) formerly MUS 148 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 148 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 148 (3) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
MUSC 149 (2) formerly MUS 149 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 149 (2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 150 (1-5) formerly MUS 150 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 150 (1-5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 151 (1-3) formerly MUS 151 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 151 (2-3) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 153 (1-2) formerly MUS 153 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 153 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 154 (1-2) formerly MUS 154 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 154 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 156 (5) formerly MUS 156 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 156 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 156 (3) MUSIC 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
MUSC 157 (5) formerly MUS 157 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 157 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 158 (5) formerly MUS 158 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 158 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 160 (5) formerly MUS 160 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 160 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 161 (5) formerly MUS 161 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 161 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 162 (3) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
MUSC 163 (5) formerly MUS 163 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 163 (5) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 164 (2) formerly MUS 141 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 165 (1-2) formerly MUS 142 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 166 (2) formerly MUS 143 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 171 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 172 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 173 (1-2) MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 182 (4) formerly MUS 182 MUSIC 1XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 182 (4) MUSIC 1XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1999 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 201 (3) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 202 (3) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 203 (3) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 204 (3-5) formerly MUS 204 MUSIC 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 204 (3-5) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 205 (5) formerly MUS 205 MUSIC 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 205 (5) MUSIC 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 205 (3-5) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ MUS 206 (3) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ MUS 212 (3) MUSIC 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 213 (3) formerly MUS 213 MUSIC 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 213 (3) MUSIC 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 221 (2) formerly MUS 221 MUSIC 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 221 (2) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 222 (2) formerly MUS 222 MUSIC 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 222 (2) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 223 (2) formerly MUS 223 MUSIC 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 223 (2) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 224 (3) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ MUS 225 (3) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ MUS 230 (1) MUSIC 2XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
MUSC& 231 (3) formerly MUS 201 MUSIC 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC& 232 (3) formerly MUS 202 MUSIC 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC& 233 (3) formerly MUS 203 MUSIC 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
MUSC 298 (1-5) formerly MUS 298 MUSIC 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 298 (1-5) MUSIC 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
MUSC 299 (1-5) formerly MUS 299 MUSIC 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ MUS 299 (1-5) MUSIC 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
NANO 101 (5) UW 1XX (5) AUT Qtr. 2006

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Nursing – associate degree

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
(LC) = Limited Credit: a maximum of 38 credits total may be converted to NURS prefix after validation by UW Nursing Program
§ NUR 100 (1) UW 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 2006
NUR 101 (4-5) UW 1XX (LC)
NUR 102 (2-3) UW 1XX (LC)
NUR 103 (3-4) UW 1XX (LC)
§ NUR 104 (3) UW 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ NUR 105 (1) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ NUR 105 (3) UW 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
NUR 106 (4-8) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1988
§ NUR 110 (1) UW 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 2006
NUR 111 (3) UW 1XX (LC)
NUR 112 (3) UW 1XX (LC)
NUR 113 (4) UW 1XX (LC)
NUR 114 (3-4) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2008
§ NUR 114 (3) UW 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ NUR 115 (3) UW 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
NUR 120 (1) UW 1XX (LC)
§ NUR 121 (1) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
NUR 122 (2) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996
NUR 123 (1-4) UW 1XX (LC)
§ NUR 130 (1) UW 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ NUR 135 (1) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 135 (1) UW 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ NUR 140 (2) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2008
§ NUR 160 (1) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 161 (1) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 162 (2) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2008
NUR 185 (2) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 185 (1) UW 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ NUR 200 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
NUR 201 (2) UW 2XX (LC)
§ NUR 202 (4) UW 2XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ NUR 203 (4) UW 2XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ NUR 204 (3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 205 (3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
NUR 206 (2-3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990
NUR 207 (3-4) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990
NUR 208 (6) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 208 (2) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
§ NUR 210 (1) UW 2XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
NUR 211 (3) UW 2XX (LC)
§ NUR 212 (3) UW 2XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ NUR 213 (3) UW 2XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ NUR 214 (3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 215 (3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
NUR 216 (3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990
NUR 217 (5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990
NUR 218 (3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 218 (3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
§ NUR 219 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
NUR 220 (1-2) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1998
§ NUR 221 (2) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SUM Qtr. 2008
§ NUR 222 (1.5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SUM Qtr. 2008
NUR 223 (1-2) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 223 (2) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
NUR 224 (1.5-2) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
NUR 225 (2-6) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
NUR 226 (1.5-2) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
NUR 227 (3-7) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
NUR 228 (3-5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
NUR 230 (2) UW 2XX (LC)
NUR 231 (3-4) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 232 (3-5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SUM Qtr. 2008
NUR 233 (.5-1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 233 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
NUR 234 (1.5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
NUR 235 (1.5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
NUR 237 (3-3.5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
NUR 238 (1-5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 239 (1.5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SUM Qtr. 2008
§ NUR 240 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 241 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 244 (2) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2012 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 245 (5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2014
§ NUR 246 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 247 (5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 249 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 252 (3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 255 (4) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 257 (5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 260 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 261 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
§ NUR 261 (2) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ NUR 265 (5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 266 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 267 (3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 270 (3) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2010 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NUR 285 (1) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2006
NUR 299 (1-5) UW 2XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1988

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see also Science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ NTR 150 (5) formerly BIO 150 NUTR 200 (4), 1XX (1) NSc AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NTR 155 (5) formerly BIO 155 NUTR 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ NTR 160 (5) same as BIOL 166 NUTR 1XX AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2011
NUTR& 101 (5) formerly NTR 150 NUTR 200 (4), 1XX (1) NSc SUM Qtr. 2015

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see also Science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
OCEA& 100 (5) OCEAN 102 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 2010
§ OCE 100 (5) OCEAN 101 (5) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2010
OCEA& 101 (5) OCEAN 101 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 2010
§ OCE 102 (5) OCEAN 102 (5) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ OCE 150 (5) FISH 101 (5) SSc, NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ OCE 298 (1-5) OCEAN 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
OCEA 299 (1-5) formerly OCE 299 OCEAN 2XX AUT Qtr. 2010
§ OCE 299 (1-5) OCEAN 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2010

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see also Science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ PHI 100 (5) PHIL 100 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PHIL& 101 (5) formerly PHI 100 PHIL 100 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
PHIL 102 (5) formerly PHI 102 PHIL 102 (5) A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 102 (5) PHIL 102 (5) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PHIL& 106 (5) formerly PHI 120 PHIL 120 (5) SSc, NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2013
PHIL 110 (5) formerly PHI 110 PHIL 110 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 110 (5) PHIL 110 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PHIL 111 (5) formerly PHI 111 PHIL 242 (5) A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 111 (5) PHIL 242 (5) A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 111 (5) PHIL 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2002
§ PHI 113 (5) PHIL 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ PHI 115 (3) PHIL 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
§ PHIL 118 (5) formerly PHI 118 PHIL 115 (5) SSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ PHI 118 (5) PHIL 115 (5) SSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PHIL& 120 (5) formerly PHIL& 106 PHIL 120 (5) SSc, NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2013
§ PHI 120 (5) PHIL 120 (5) SSc, NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 122 (5) PHIL 1XX SSc, NSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ PHI 151 (5) PHIL 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
PHIL 160 (5) formerly PHI 160 PHIL 160 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 160 (5) same as § SCI 160 PHIL 160 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PHIL 215 (5) formerly PHI 215 PHIL 240 (5) A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 215 (5) PHIL 240 (5) A&H, SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PHIL 220 (5) PHIL 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2010
PHIL 240 (5) formerly PHI 240 PHIL 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 240 (5) PHIL 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PHIL 245 (5) formerly PHI 245 PHIL 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ PHI 245 (5) PHIL 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
PHIL 250 (5) formerly PHI 250 PHIL 206 (5) or GWSS 206 (5) or POL S 212 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 250 (5) PHIL 206 (5) or GWSS 206 (5) or POL S 212 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
PHIL 255 (5) formerly PHI 255 PHIL 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 255 (5) PHIL 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PHIL 267 (5) formerly PHI 267 PHIL 267 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 267 (5) PHIL 267 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PHIL 298 (1-5) formerly PHI 298 PHIL 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 298 (1-5) PHIL 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PHIL 299 (3-5) formerly PHI 299 PHIL 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHI 299 (3-5) PHIL 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Physical education

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
(LC) = Limited Credit: a maximum of 3 credits will transfer for all PE activity courses
§ PEC 100 (1) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
PEC 104 (2) PE 1XX (LC)
PEC 105 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996
PEC 106 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996
§ PEC 109 (2) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
PEC 110 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996
PEC 111 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2016
§ PEC 111 (2) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
PEC 112 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2016
§ PEC 112 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
PEC 113 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996
PEC 114 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2008
§ PEC 114 (2) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
PEC 115 (2) PE 1XX (LC)
PEC 118 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2008
§ PEC 118 (2) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
PEC 121 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2016
§ PEC 121 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ PEC 121 (2) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ PEC 122 (2) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ PEC 123 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ PEC 127 (1) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ PEC 128 (1) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
PEC 129 (2) PE 1XX (LC)
PEC 130 (2) PE 1XX (LC)
PEC 131 (2) PE 1XX (LC)
PEC 132 (2) PE 1XX (LC)
§ PEC 133 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
PEC 136 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1996
PEC 137 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2008
§ PEC 137 (1) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
PEC 139 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2014
PEC 143 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2000
PEC 145 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2000
PEC 150 (1-3) PE 1XX (LC)
PEC 151 (1-3) PE 1XX (LC)
§ PEC 152 (2-3) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
PEC 155 (3) KINPE 1XX AUT Qtr. 1996
§ PEC 155 (2) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ PEC 156 (2) PE 1XX (LC) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
PEC 160 (2) PE 1XX (LC) SUM Qtr. 1997
PEC 162 (2) PE 1XX (LC) SUM Qtr. 2010
PEC 165 (2) PE 1XX (LC) SUM Qtr. 1997
PEC 170 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 1998
PEC 171 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2016
PEC 172 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2016
PEC 173 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2016
PEC 175 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2000
PEC 179 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2016
PEC 180 (2) PE 1XX (LC) SUM Qtr. 2010
PEC 298 (2) PE 1XX (LC) AUT Qtr. 2006

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
PHYS& 100 (5) formerly PHY 100 PHYS 110 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHY 100 (5) PHYS 110 (5) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHY 101 (5) PHYS 114,117 (4,1) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHY 102 (5) PHYS 115, 118 (4, 1) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHY 103 (5) PHYS 116, 119 (4, 1) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHYS 107 (5) PHYS 107 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru 2016
PHYS& 114 (5) formerly PHYS& 121 PHYS 114, 117 (4, 1) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2012
PHYS& 115 (5) formerly PHYS& 122 (5) PHYS 115, 118 (4, 1) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2012
PHYS& 116 (5) formerly PHYS& 123 (5) PHYS 116, 119 (4, 1) NSc [RSN] AUT Qtr. 2012
§ PHYS& 121 (5) formerly PHY 101 PHYS 114, 117 (4, 1) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008 thru AUT Qtr. 2012
§ PHYS& 122 (5) formerly PHY 102 PHYS 115, 118 (4, 1) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008 thru AUT Qtr. 2012
§ PHYS& 123 (5) formerly PHY 103 PHYS 116, 119 (4, 1) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008 thru AUT Qtr. 2012
§ PHY 150 (5) PHYS 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ PHY 201 (5) PHYS 121 (5) NSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHY 202 (5) PHYS 122 (5) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHY 203 (5) PHYS 123 (5) NSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PHYS& 221 (5) formerly PHY 201 PHYS 121 (5) NSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008
PHYS& 222 (5) formerly PHY 202 PHYS 122 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
PHYS& 223 (5) formerly PHY 203 PHYS 123 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
PHYS 298 (1-5) formerly PHY 298 PHYS 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHY 298 (1-5) PHYS 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PHYS 299 (1-5) formerly PHY 299 PHYS 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PHY 299 (1-5) PHYS 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Political science

see also Geography and Philosophy

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
POLS& 101 (5) formerly POL 10l POL S 101 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 10l (5) POL S 101 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 102 (5) POL S 202 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POLS 111 (5) formerly POL 111 POL S 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ POL 111 (5) POL S 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POLS 112 (5) same as ISP 112; formerly POL 112 POL S 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ POL 112 (5) same as ISP 112 POL S 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 140 (5) POL S 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
POLS 170 (5) formerly POL 170 POL S 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 170 (5) POL S 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POLS& 200 (5) formerly BUS 200 MGMT 200 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru WIN Qtr. 2010
POLS& 201 (5) [South campus] POL S 201 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2020
POLS& 202 (5) formerly POL 102 POL S 202 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
POLS& 203 (5) formerly POL 230 POL S 203 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 204 (5) POL S 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
POLS 205 (5) formerly POL 205 POL S 270 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 205 (5) POL S 270 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POLS 206 (5) formerly POL 204 POL S 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ POL 210 (5) POL S 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
POLS 213 (5) same as WMN 213; formerly POL 213 POL S 313 (5) or GWSS 313 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 213 (5) same as WMN 213 POL S 313 (5) or GWSS 313 (5) SSc WIN Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ POL 215 (5) UW 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ POLS 217 (3-7) formerly POL 217 POL S 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ POL 217 (3-7) POL S 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POLS 220 (5) formerly POL 220 POL S 204 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ POL 220 (5) POL S 204 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 230 (5) POL S 203 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 243 (5) POL S 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ POL 244 (5) POL S 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
POLS 255 (5) formerly POL 255 POL S 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 255 (5) POL S 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 261 (5) POL S 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ POL 262 (5) POL S 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ POL 280 (5) POL S 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ POL 280 (5) POL S 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
POLS 298 (1-5) formerly POL 298 POL S 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 298 (1-5) POL S 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
POLS 299 (1-5) formerly POL 299 POL S 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ POL 299 (3-5) POL S 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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see also Social sciences and Sociology

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
PSYC& 100 (5) formerly PSY 110 PSYCH 101 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 105 (3-5) PSYCH 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ PSY 110 (5) PSYCH 101 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PSYC 120 (5) formerly PSY 120 PSYCH 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 120 (5) PSYCH 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 120 (5) PSYCH 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ PSYC 160 (5) formerly PSY 160 PSYCH 1XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ PSY 160 (5) PSYCH 1XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PSYC& 200 (5) formerly PSY 206 PSYCH 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 200 (5) PSYCH 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PSYC 205 (5) PSYCH 2XX SSc WIN Qtr. 2011
§ PSY 206 (5) PSYCH 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 206 (5) same as EDU 206 PSYCH 306 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2002
§ PSY 207 (5) PSYCH 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
§ PSY 208 (5) PSYCH 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
PSYC 209 (5) formerly PSY 209 PSYCH 209 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 209 (5) PSYCH 209 (5) AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 209 (5) PSYCH 209 (4), 2XX (1) Prior to AUT Qtr. 1996
PSYC 210 (5) formerly PSY 210 PSYCH 203 (4), 2XX (1) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 210 (5) PSYCH 203 (4), 2XX (1) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 215 (5) PSYCH 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 215 (5) PSYCH 305 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2002
§ PSYC 217 (5) formerly PSY 217 SOC 2XX SSc [RSN] SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ PSY 217 (5) SOC 2XX SSc [RSN] Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PSYC& 220 (5) formerly PSY 215 PSYCH 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 221 (5) PSYCH 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
PSYC 222 (5) formerly PSY 222 PSYCH 202 (5) NSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 222 (5) PSYCH 202 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
PSYC 230 (5) same as SOC 230, formerly PSY 230 PSYCH 210 (5) or SOC 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 230 (5) same as SOC 230 PSYCH 210 (5) or SOC 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PSYC 235 (5) formerly PSY 200 PSYCH 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
PSYC 245 (5) same as SOC 245, formerly PSY 245 PSYCH 2XX or SOC 240 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 245 (5) same as SOC 245 PSYCH 2XX or SOC 240 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 245 (5) formerly PSY 270; same as SOC 245 PSYCH 345 (5) or SOC 240 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1986 thru SUM Qtr. 2002
PSYC 250 (5) formerly PSY 250 PSYCH 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 250 (5) PSYCH 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PSYC 255 (5) PSYCH 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
PSYC 257 (5) same as WMN 257, formerly PSY 257 PSYCH 257 (5) or GWSS 257 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 257 (5) same as WMN 257 PSYCH 257 (5) or GWSS 257 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1995 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 260 (5) PSYCH 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2006
§ PSY 270 (5) PSYCH 345 (5) or SOC 240 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1986
§ PSY 291 (1-5) PSYCH 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
§ PSY 292 (1-5) [Central campus] PSYCH 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1983
§ PSY 293 (1-5) [Central campus] PSYCH 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1983
PSYC 294 (1-5) formerly PSY 294 PSYCH 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 294 (1-5) PSYCH 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 295 (1-5) PSYCH 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
§ PSY 296 (1-5) PSYCH 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
PSYC 298 (1-5) formerly PSY 298 PSYCH 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 298 (1-5) PSYCH 2XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
PSYC 299 (1-5) formerly PSY 299 PSYCH 2XX SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ PSY 299 (3-5) PSYCH 2XX SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008

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Real estate

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
RES 100 (5) R E 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000
RES 140 (3) R E 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
REL 150 (5) RELIG 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1998
REL 151 (5) RELIG 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2001

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§ Russian*

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ RUS 101 (5) RUSS 101 (5) AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ RUS 101 (5) RUSS 1XX AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ RUS 102 (5) RUSS 102 (5) WIN Qtr. 1995 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ RUS 102 (5) RUSS 1XX (102 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ RUS 103 (5) RUSS 103 (5) SPR Qtr. 1995 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ RUS 103 (5) RUSS 1XX (103 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 1994
§ RUSS& 121 (5) formerly RUS 101 RUSS 101 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ RUSS& 122 (5) formerly RUS 102 RUSS 122 (5) (122 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ RUSS& 123 (5) formerly RUS 103 RUSS 123 (5) (123 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ RUS 236 (5) UW 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ RUS 238 (5) same as GER 238 C LIT 200 (5) A&H AUT Qtr. 1998 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ RUSS 299 (2-5) formerly RUS 299 RUSS 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ RUS 299 (2-5) RUSS 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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see also Material science

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
SCI 100 (5) UW 1XX NSc
SCI 101 (5) UW 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1998
SCI 104 (5) UW 1XX NSc
§ SCI 106 (5) UW 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
SCI 111 (1) same as GEOL 111; formerly SCI 115 ESS 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SCI 111 (1) BIOL 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
SCI 112 (1) BIOL 1XX
SCI 113 (1) BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1996
§ SCI 113 (1) ASTR 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
SCI 114 (1) formerly SCI 113 ASTR 1XX AUT Qtr. 1996
§ SCI 114 (1) BIOL 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ SCI 115 (1) same as GEL 115 ESS 1XX Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
SCI 116 (1) BIOL 1XX
SCI 117 (1) BIOL 1XX
SCI 118 (1) same as GEOL 118 ESS 1XX
SCI 119 (3) [North campus] ESS 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 1998
§ SCI 119 (1) [Central campus] OCEAN 1XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 1992
SCI 121 (5) UW 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2006
SCI 129 (3) UW 1XX AUT Qtr. 2010
§ SCI 130 (5) NUTR 1XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ SCI 130 (5) NUTR 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
SCI 131 (5) UW 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2012
SCI 132 (5) UW 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2012
SCI 133 (5) UW 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2012
§ SCI 140 (3) ART 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ SCI 150 (5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
§ SCI 160 (5) same as PHI 160 PHIL 160 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
§ SCI 170 (5) EDUC 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2002
§ SCI 180 (5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
SCI 298 (1-5) UW 2XX
SCI 299 (1-5) UW 2XX

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Social sciences

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ SSC 109 (1-3) GWSS 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ SSC 114 (5) UW 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ SSC 115 (5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ SSC 119 (1-3) GWSS 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
§ SSC 130 (3-5) UW 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ SSC 200 (2) UW 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ SSC 201 (5) SPHSC 2XX NSc SPR Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 1998
§ SSC 210 (5) SOC 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ SSC 230 (5) PSYCH 210 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ SSC 250 (3) UW 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ SSC 261 (3) UW 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ SSC 290 (2) UW 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ SSC 294 (2-5) UW 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ SSC 295 (2-5) UW 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ SSC 296 (2-5) UW 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ SSC 297 (2-5) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ SSC 298 (2-5) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ SSC 299 (2-5) UW 2XX AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ SWF 200 (5) SOC WF 200 SSc AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SUM Qtr. 2016

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
SOC& 101 (5) formerly SOC 110 SOC 110 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SOC 101 (5) same as ISP 101 SOC 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1995 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
SOC 102 (5) same as ANT 102 UW 1XX SSc
SOC 105 (5) SOC 1XX SSc
SOC 106 (5) AAS 1XX SSc
§ SOC 107 (3-5) UW 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ SOC 108 (5) SOC 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 2004
§ SOC 110 (5) SOC 110 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
SOC 120 (3-5) SOC 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1992
§ SOC 130 (5) UW 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2016
§ SOC 140 (5) GWSS 1XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
SOC 150 (5) SOC 1XX SSc
§ SOC 170 (5) same as ISP 170 JSIS A 1XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ SOC 200 (5) SOC 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2004 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ SOC 200 (5) SOC 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1994
SOC& 201 (5) formerly SOC 270 SOC 270 (5) SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
SOC 220 (5) SOC 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1988
§ SOC 223 (5) SOC 2XX SSc [RSN] Prior to AUT Qtr. 2004
SOC 230 (5) formerly SOC 240; same as PSYC 230 PSYCH 210 (5) or SOC 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1988
§ SOC 240 (5) PSYCH 210 (5) or SOC 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1988
SOC 245 (5) same as PSYC 245 SOC 240 (5) or PSYCH 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2002
§ SOC 245 (5) same as PSY 245 SOC 240 (5) or PSYCH 345 (5) SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2002
SOC 250 (5) same as EDU 255 SOC 2XX SSc
SOC 253 (5) UW 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2014
§ SOC 260 (5) SOC 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ SOC 265 (5) SOC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ SOC 270 (5) SOC 270 (5) SSc Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SOC 275 (5) SOC 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ SOC 280 (5) SOC 2XX AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ SOC 293 (5) same as HUM 293 and ISP 293 JSIS A 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2006
SOC 298 (1-5) SOC 2XX AUT Qtr. 1992
SOC 299 (3-5) SOC 2XX SSc

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
SPAN 100 (4.5) formerly SPA 100 SPAN 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 100 (4.5) SPAN 1XX AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 101 (5) SPAN 101 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 102 (5) SPAN 102 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 103 (5) SPAN 103 (5) Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
SPAN 110 (4.5, max. 9) formerly SPA 110 SPAN 1XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 110 (4.5, max. 9) SPAN 1XX AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
SPAN& 121 (5) formerly SPA 101 SPAN 101 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
SPAN& 122 (5) formerly SPA 102 SPAN 102 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
SPAN& 123 (5) formerly SPA 103 SPAN 103 (5) SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 199 (2-5) SPAN 1XX AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ SPA 201 (5) SPAN 201 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 202 (5) SPAN 202 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 203 (5) SPAN 203 (5) A&H Prior to SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPAN 210 (4.5, max. 9) formerly SPA 210 SPAN 2XX A&H SUM Qtr. 2008 thru SUM Qtr. 2016
§ SPA 210 (4.5, max. 9) SPAN 2XX A&H AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
SPAN& 221 (5) formerly SPA 201 SPAN 201 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
SPAN& 222 (5) formerly SPA 202 SPAN 202 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
SPAN& 223 (5) formerly SPA 203 SPAN 203 (5) A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
SPAN 236 (5) same as LIT 236; formerly SPA 236 C LIT 200 (3/5) [5 credits allowed] A&H SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 236 (5) same as LIT 236 C LIT 200 (3/5) [5 credits allowed] A&H AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
SPAN 238 (5) same as LIT 238; formerly SPA 238 SPAN 2XX A&H, SSc SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 238 (5) same as LIT 238 SPAN 2XX A&H, SSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
SPAN 299 (1-5) formerly SPA 299 SPAN 2XX SUM Qtr. 2008
§ SPA 299 (2-5) SPAN 2XX AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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§ Speech

see also Communication and Speech – survey of hearing impairment

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ SPE 100 (5) COM 270 (5) A&H, SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ SPE 104 (4) COM 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ SPE 107 (3) COM 1XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ SPE 115 (5) COM 1XX AUT Qtr. 1990 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ SPE 120 (5) COM 220 (5) A&H, SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ SPE 140 (5) COM 1XX A&H Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ SPE 150 (5) COM 1XX A&H, SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ SPE 210 (5) COM 2XX A&H, SSc SPR Qtr. 1995 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ SPE 220 (5) COM 2XX A&H, SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ SPE 225 (3-5) COM 2XX SSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ SPE 281 (1-5) COM 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 1998
§ SPE 299 (1-5) COM 2XX Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000

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§ Speech – survey of hearing impairment

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ SPS 201 (5) SPHSC 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1996 thru SUM Qtr. 2002

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
SUST 101 (5) ESRM 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 2009

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§ Tagalog*

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ TAG 101 (5) UW 1XX SUM Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TAG 102 (5) UW 1XX (102 satisfies UW foreign language admission requirement) SUM Qtr. 1996 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TAG 103 (5) UW 1XX (103 satisfies UW foreign language proficiency with grade of 2.0 or higher) WIN Qtr. 1998 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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§ Technical communications

see also Engineering and English

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ TEC 110 (4) HCDE 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TEC 120 (5) HCDE 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TEC 130 (4) HCDE 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TEC 140 (4) HCDE 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TEC 150 (4) HCDE 1XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TEC 200 (5) HCDE 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TEC 220 (5) HCDE 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TEC 230 (1-4) HCDE 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TEC 294 (5) ENGR 231 (3), 2XX (2) AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TEC 295 (5) HCDE 2XX AUT Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ TEC 299 (1-5) HCDE 2XX AUT Qtr. 2000 thru SPR Qtr. 2008

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Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ VTN 101 (5) VIET 111 AUT Qtr. 2001 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ VTN 102 (5) VIET 112 WIN Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
§ VTN 103 (5) VIET 113 SPR Qtr. 2002 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
VIET& 121 (5) formerly VTN 101 VIET 111 SUM Qtr. 2008
VIET& 122 (5) formerly VTN 102 VIET 112 SUM Qtr. 2008
VIET& 123 (5) formerly VTN 103 VIET 113 SUM Qtr. 2008
§ VTN 201 (5) VIET 211 AUT Qtr. 2006 thru SPR Qtr. 2008
VIET& 221 (5) formerly VTN 201 VIET 211 SUM Qtr. 2008

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Web development (see Information technology)

§ Women studies

see Gender and women studies
see also History and Philosophy

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
WMN 140 (5) same as HIST 140 GWSS 283 (5) or HSTAA 373 (5) SSc SPR Qtr. 1995
WMN 200 (5) GWSS 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 1994
WMN 205 (5) same as ISP 205 GWSS 2XX or JSIS B 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000
WMN 213 (5) same as POL 213 GWSS 313 (5) or POL S 313 (5) SSc WIN Qtr. 1996
WMN 257 (5) same as PSYC 257 GWSS 257 (5) or PSYCH 257 (5) SSc AUT Qtr. 1995
WMN 298 (1-5) GWSS 2XX SSc AUT Qtr. 2000

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§ Zoology

see also Anatomy and physiology and

Community college course UW equivalency Meets UW requirements Effective date
§ ZOO 111 (3) [Central and South campuses] BIOL 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ ZOO 112 (3) [Central and South campuses] BIOL 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ ZOO 113, 114 (5, 5) [Central campus] formerly BIO 140, 142 BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1), NURS 301 (4) if both courses taken; otherwise, see individual entries NSc See individual entries
§ ZOO 113 (5) [Central campus] formerly BIO 140; see also ZOO 113 combined entry BIOL 1XX NSc SUM Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ ZOO 114 (5) [Central campus] formerly BIO 142; see also ZOO 113 combined entry BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru AUT Qtr. 2000
§ ZOO 113, 114 (5, 5) [North campus] same as BIO 140, 142 BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1), NURS 301 (4) if both courses taken; otherwise, BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1992 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ ZOO 113, 114 (5, 5) [North campus] same as BIO 140, 142 BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1), NURS 301 (4) if both courses taken; otherwise, BIOL 1XX NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1990
§ ZOO 114 (5) [North campus] see ZOO 113 combined entry
§ ZOO 113, 114 (5,5) [South campus] BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1), NURS 301 (4) if both courses taken; otherwise, BIOL 1XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ ZOO 114 (5) [South campus] see ZOO 113 combined entry
§ ZOO 118 (5) [North campus] BIOL 118 (5) NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996
§ ZOO 118 (5) [North campus] BIOL 118 (5) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ ZOO 119 (1) [North campus] BIOL 119 (1) NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 1992
§ ZOO 128 (5) [Central, North, and South campuses] BIOL 118, 119 (5, 1) [5 credits allowed] or BIOL 1XX if SCCD’s ZOO 113, 114 also taken NSc Prior to AUT Qtr. 2000
§ ZOO 298 (1-5) [Central, North, and South campuses] BIOL 2XX AUT Qtr. 1988 thru SUM Qtr. 2000
§ ZOO 299 (1-5) [Central, North, and South campuses] BIOL 2XX NSc AUT Qtr. 1994 thru SUM Qtr. 1996

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